Canterbury strikes back

Posted on December 15, 2017 
Filed under Anglican Communion

“For Anglicans, communion with the See of Canterbury – and with its Archbishop – is the visible expression of our communion with one another.

In his advent letter to GAFCON, the Primate of Nigeria says: ‘the Jerusalem Statement and Declaration clarified that the Anglican Communion is not determined simply by relationship with the Archbishop of Canterbury’.

However, the relationship with the See of Canterbury is essential for Anglicans. You cannot be in the Anglican Communion without it. …”

– ‘Secretary General of the Anglican Communion’, Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, responds to the December pastoral letter from Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council, and probably also to this week’s statement from the Global South Primates.

(It’s worth remembering that The Episcopal Church of the USA, and The Anglican Church of Canada are regarded as full members, in communion with Canterbury, despite their doctrine and behaviour.)