Bishop of Bathurst to retire in November

Posted on May 22, 2012 
Filed under Australia

From the Diocese of Bathurst Anglican News, May 2012 –

“Bishop Richard Hurford has formally announced his intention to retire on November 10, when he will lay up the Diocesan Pastoral Staff in a service of Pastoral Leave-Taking in All Saints’ Cathedral, Bathurst, commencing at 10.30am. 

Under the terms of the Bishop Election Ordinance (2006), it is mandatory for the Diocesan Bishop to retire on reaching 68 years of age.

Although Bishop Richard has made it clear for some time now that he intended to retire in November 2012, the Ordinance requires him to formally advise the Metropolitan of the Province of NSW six months before the planned retirement date.

Accordingly, Bishop Richard wrote to the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, on May 4 advising him of his retirement in November, and that under the provisions of the Bishop Election Ordinance the Diocese of Bathurst shall be deemed to be vacant, and the process for electing the next Bishop of Bathurst can commence forthwith…”

– More on page 3 of Anglican News, May 2012. (PDF)