Anglican and Catholic Dioceses of Bathurst to enter into Covenant

Posted on May 22, 2012 
Filed under Australia

A report from Bathurst Diocese’s Anglican News

“Clergy from across the Anglican Diocese of Bathurst and their counterparts from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bathurst will gather in Bathurst on Thursday May 24 to witness the signing of a covenant between the two denominational groups. 

Anglican Bishop of Bathurst Richard Hurford and Catholic Bishop Michael McKenna will sign the covenant which will commit the two dioceses to:

• an annual ecumenical service;
• a bienniel joint clergy day;
• local services to enliven common witness to our baptism in Jesus Christ;
• exploring possibilities for sharing church plant and resources;
• cooperation in preparation for Christian marriage and Christian education; and
• openness to fellowship with other ecclesial communities.

The covenant has grown out of many years of unofficial cooperation, and has been brought to this more formal stage by the work of a small committee representing the two dioceses.

Bishop Richard Hurford said that the Covenant would give formal affirmation to the desire of the two denominations to work together more intentionally.

“We hope it will consolidate and progress the already positive relationship that has existed between our two great traditions in recent years,” he added.

Wellingon resident Jenny Bremner and Blayney Catholic priest Fr Tim Cahill have worked with Dean Anne Wentzel and Orange priest Canon Frank Hetherington over the last 12 months to develop the document.

When the clergy of the two dioceses gather in Bathurst on May 24, they will begin in St Michael and St John’s Catholic Cathedral at 11.45am for a 12 noon start. The gathering will then embark on a pilgrimage walk to All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral two blocks away for the formal signing of the agreement, and then return to the Catholic Cathedral for refreshments.

Both bishops have issued an open invitation for anyone able to attend, to take part in the three-stage liturgy which begins at the Catholic Cathedral and is scheduled to conclude by 1.15pm in the Anglican Cathedral.”

Source – Page 3, Anglican News – Reporting for the church in Western NSW – May 2012 (PDF file) from the Diocese of Bathurst website.

More from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bathurst.