Archbishop Peter Akinola interviewed by Nigerian media

Posted on December 8, 2008 
Filed under News

Archbishop Peter Akinola“I saw a card with the inscription, season greetings, and I said what season? Winter season or rainy season? If we are celebrating Christmas, then we are celebrating Christmas season, not any other season but the birth of the Christ.

Christ is the centre, and purpose and essence of Christmas celebration, so if you remove Christ from the card and the greeting, then, what are you people talking about? To the ordinary person, it is a harmless thing but if you look at the background, and you see what is happening around, then you will know it is not ordinary. It is part of the game of the anti-Christ to remove Christ and not only that, to remove all Christian emblems from public domain.…”

– Published in The Nigerian Tribune, this interview with Archbishop Peter Akinola covers GAFCON, the church in Nigeria, the church in the West, and celebrating Christmas.