Archbishop of Sydney calls on ALP delegates to reject ‘false rhetoric’

Posted on December 2, 2011 
Filed under News

Here’s a Statement released by Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen:

Archbishop of Sydney calls on ALP delegates to reject ‘false rhetoric’

The ALP has a proud history of achievement in genuine matters of equality, so it is disappointing to see it divided over the false rhetoric of ‘equality’ surrounding same-sex marriage.

The present law defining marriage is not a denial of rights. Issues of inequity regarding the financial and legal status of same-sex relationships have already been addressed by the Parliament and I have supported these changes.

There is no doubt the ALP conference has a difficult decision and this is a painful subject for many, but it is incumbent on delegates to consider the long-term consequences.

Redefining marriage will have unintended and unwelcome consequences for the meaning of parenthood, our openness to other forms of marriage, sex education and our commitment to religious freedom.

Dr Peter F Jensen
Archbishop of Sydney
