Anglicans – We Have a Problem

Posted on March 11, 2024 
Filed under Anglican Communion

“An old classic movie that sits amongst my DVD collection is a movie entitled Apollo 13. It is a movie based on a disaster that took place during the Apollo 13 mission to the moon. A key line in the movie (which was also spoken in the real event, upon which the move is based) is the line, ‘Houston, we have a problem’.

The problem originates with one of the ship’s oxygen tanks which was faulty and when the order was given to stir the tanks, it  exploded. The ship suffered a catastrophic failure and the crew had to move to another part of the ship, and work hard not only to to return to Earth, but to stay alive.

This famous line from the movie reminds me of a problem that faces the Anglican church, a problem of such magnitude that it needs to be said:

‘Anglicans, we have a problem’. …”

– At, an anonymous contributor writes about an unidentified Anglican province. It all sounds very close to home.

Photo: The real Mission Control in Houston works the problem during Apollo 13. The stakes are even higher in the Anglican Communion.