Anglican Network in Europe launched

Posted on December 10, 2020 
Filed under GAFCON


A new Anglican jurisdiction is launched

“The Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE) is a partnership of new and existing church initiatives led by the Gafcon Missionary Bishop for Europe.

This new organisation is an authentic expression of Anglican church life and mission, authorised and supported by the Gafcon Primates. In June 2020 they passed a resolution, recommending that:

“Bishop Andy Lines be appointed as the Bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe, encompassing two convocations, The Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) and the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE), and that Bishop Andy Lines be under the primatial oversight of whoever is the Chairman of the Primates Council for his point of accountability.”

This initiative follows Gafcon’s previous support for the establishment of AMiE and the Scottish Anglican Network; it also replaces the oversight generously provided up until now by the Anglican Network in Canada and which ends on December 31st. …”

Read the full press release, and learn more about ANiE here.