Anglican Coalition in Canada welcomes new Province

Posted on December 7, 2008 
Filed under News

The Anglican Coalition in CanadaDec 6th 2008 – Vancouver, Canada

The Anglican Coalition in Canada is pleased to announce its full participation in the emerging Province called the Anglican Church in North America.  This new province was called into existence by the GAFCON Primates, representing the vast majority of the Anglican Church worldwide. 

The Rev Barclay Mayo, National ACiC Network Leader, commented: “Who would have believed 10 years ago when we were in the midst of painful challenges that we would see the day when faithful Anglicans would be working together in unity? We were told repeatedly that it couldn’t be done, that we were too divided, that our differences were too great. God has shown the impossible to be possible.”

Peter Turner, a Canadian member of the Provincial ACiNA Council which just met in Chicago, said that “we are excited to be full founding partners with our other Canadian Anglican jurisdictions, including ANiC, CANA, and the Reformed Episcopal Church. We are committed to working together in unity for the sake of blessing Canada and North America.”

Over 700 congregations representing around 100,000 faithful Canadian and American Anglicans have come together in the birthing of a new Anglican Province for North America. We are uniting across theological, ethnic, and cultural lines that many thought would not be possible.  Bishop Bob Duncan of the Diocese of Pittsburgh is functioning as the leader of this new province.

A unique feature of the new Provincial constitutions and canons is that they are driven by mission rather than structure. This new province is bringing order out of the recent Anglican chaos, and ensuring a vibrant united Anglican voice in North America.  Eleven founding Anglican partners are coming together, some of which have been in existence for over 130 years. The gracious Provincial leadership is allowing for greater unity in essentials, while respecting appropriate diversity in non-essentials.

For more information, please contact the Rev Ed Hird, ACiC Communications Director 604-929-1613 or the Rev Barclay Mayo, ACiC National Network Leader, 604-740-7400

– Press release from the Anglican Coalition in Canada.