An Inconvenient Truth: Ecclesial Warming Ahead

Posted on March 30, 2008 
Filed under News

Bishop David AndersonMuch of the news this week centers on the recent actions of The Episcopal Church House of Bishops and the Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori in relation to a vote to depose retired bishop William Cox and former TEC bishop John-David Schofield. Dovetailing into these legally questionable depositions are two subsequent issues: the fact that the deposition notice for Bishop Cox misstates his title and the diocese he retired from; and the calling for a Special Convention of the Diocese of San Joaquin to elect a new bishop. …

… KJS and her Chancellor DBB are functioning as police, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner, and most of the other TEC bishops fall in dutifully behind them. …

The latest weekly letter from AAC President, Bishop David Anderson – via Anglican Mainstream. (Photo: The Common Cause Partnership.)