All but unmentioned

Posted on July 28, 2008 
Filed under Opinion

Warren Tanghe - Forward in FaithThe Lambeth Conference 1998 famously adopted a resolution on human sexuality, resolution I.10. The failure of the American and Canadian churches to honour that resolution are at the centre of the conflict which overshadows Lambeth 2008.

The Lambeth Conference 1998 also adopted a resolution, numbered III.2 calling on Provinces “to make such provision, including appropriate episcopal ministry”, as will enable those who dissent from and those who assent to the ordination of women to live “in the highest degree of Communion possible”.

The patent failure of the American and Canadian churches to honour this resolution has gone all but unmentioned at Lambeth 2008. …

– Warren Tanghe writes from an Anglo-Catholic perspective at the Forward in Faith website.