ePetition: “Please unanimously reject the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021”

In order to oppose and stop the passage of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 through the NSW Legislative Council, an ePetition has now been launched.

The text reads:.

“To the President and Members of the Legislative Council, the petitioners of New South Wales state that that they are completely opposed to the passage of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021, in any form, which provides for state sanctioned/funded assisted suicide/euthanasia.

A cornerstone of our legal system is that ALL human life has inherent value and must be treated with dignity and respect. The petitioners request that the House unanimously oppose the bill, in any form, and reject it.”

The ePetition can be accessed via the Legislative Council’s ePetitions page.

Those signing the ePetition need to declare that they are a resident of New South Wales.

The ePetition closes on 25th April 2022


Kevin Conolly, MP for Riverstone, explains the NSW euthanasia bill – AP.

Kevin Conolly explains the NSW euthanasia bill – part 2.

Hope amid Hardship

“… after a 634-day delay, God willing, by the time you read these words we will have arrived in New Zealand to partner with the saints in Hamilton in sharing the hope of Jesus.

So, what have we learned about hope in our time of hardship that will serve us well in Hamilton, and how does it connect to the hope of Easter?…”

– The Rev Mike Turner and his family have been waiting to travel to New Zealand to serve in Hamilton.

Mike reflects on the Easter hope in the April 2022 Ministry Matters from the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand.

Livestream for General Synod — for members who are isolating

“The Australian General Synod will be livestreamed for the first time to minimise disruption from COVID-19, allowing delegates to participate in the conference virtually if they are isolating.

Organisers say the decision was a response to the COVID-19 situation, which meant synod delegates might have to isolate at the last minute, possibly even going into isolation during the conference.

A seminar-style livestream will also be available to some people who would normally view the conference but not participate. …

General Synod will run from Sunday 8 May to Friday 13 May.”

– Story from The Melbourne Anglican.

Weakness is good for you – with Matt Fuller

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Senior Minister of Christ Church Mayfair, in the centre of London, Matt Fuller describes standing up in front of his church, saying he couldn’t cope and being told by his elders that he needed to take time off.”

Watch or listen here.

GAFCON 4 goes to Rwanda

“After two meetings in Jerusalem in 2008 and 2018, and one in Nairobi in 2013, the organisers of the five-yearly Global Anglican Future Conference have decided that the 2023 meeting will be held in Kigali, Rwanda.

The conference has been a landmark in international Anglicanism. …”

Russell Powell writes at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Image: GAFCON.

On The Prosperity Gospel — 9Marks

From the latest 9Marks Pastors Talk

“The prosperity gospel is wicked. It leads people on a path toward destruction. It lures people into a false sense of security. At the same time, the temptation to believe a version of this prosperity gospel lies in all of our hearts and minds.

We need to be equipped to call out this false gospel both in our lives and in the lives of our friends and family.

That’s why Sean DeMars and Mike McKinley wrote Health, Wealth, and the Real Gospel. They’re burdened to expose the errors of the prosperity gospel while upholding the beautiful purity of the real gospel.”

The religion of self-worship

“Steve Chalke of the Oasis Trust, and former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, have with others written this in a letter to the Prime Minister:

To be Trans is to enter a sacred journey of becoming whole: precious, honoured, and loved, by yourself, by others and by God.

In one sentence this brings into the open what a good deal of the LGBT+ movement has become: it is now a sacred quest, an agenda no longer driven science, common sense, or simple compassion; but by a transcendental vision, a desire for mystical fulfilment and a metaphysical belief in unseen realities. This is, more than anything else, a religion.

But it is not Christian religion. …”

– Matthew Roberts at The Critic looks at the worldview behind a recent letter that’s been making news in the UK.

Photo: Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.

See also:

‘To Be Trans is to Enter a Sacred Journey of Becoming Whole’: A Former Archbishop of Canterbury and the Liberal Enthusiasm for Transgender Ideology – Albert Mohler’s Briefing for Thursday 14 April 2022. See Part 3:

“This is a public statement made by someone who had held major public responsibility in an historic Christian Church, and he basically here is offering a theology that is directly contrary to scripture and he is doing so believing that the message that he is bringing will lead to human happiness, wholeness, and flourishing.”


Why the Christian argument for a ban on transgender conversion therapy fails. – Anglican theologian Martin Davie.

“I very much regret having to disagree with Archbishop Rowan Williams. He is someone whom I deeply respect and from whose writings I have learned an enormous amount. However, as part of my responsibility as a theologian, I feel that I need to say publicly that I disagree with the Christian argument for a ban on transgender conversion therapy put forward by Archbishop Williams and thirteen other Christian writers in their recent open letter to the Prime Minister. What they say in the letter is deeply misleading and they completely fail to make a convincing Christian case for such a ban. …”

The Truth of Jesus: John Anderson speaks with Phillip Jensen

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia John Anderson has interviewed many interesting people over the last few years.

With Easter upon us, he speaks with Phillip Jensen, Bible Teacher and Evangelist.

Fascinating interview. Encouraging to watch and great to share.

It’s available at johnanderson.net.au – and also on YouTube where a timeline of topics discussed is posted underneath the video.

The Challenges of Global Anglicanism #7: Anglican evangelicalism

From Church Society in the UK:

“Bishop Henry Scriven, General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion reflects on the future for Anglican evangelicals around the world in his contribution to our Lent series for 2022.”

“Easter in a minute” – from the Bishop of Bathurst

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder has released this one-minute Easter message for 2022.

Watch and share widely.

Also, Bishop Calder has posted several Easter service and sermon videos. If you’re unable to get to church this Easter, you’ll find them a great encouragement.

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s Easter Message 2022

Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel has released this Easter Message for 2022.

Watch and share widely.

It’s ideal to download and play in church, or to post on church websites!

Thanks to Russell Powell at Anglican Media Sydney for the video and the transcript.

Image: Anglican Media Sydney.

Holy Week Message from Archbishop Foley Beach

“We do not pray to a God who is aloof. We pray to a God who knows what it is to suffer pain, who through the suffering of the Cross made the way of life and peace and has not abandoned us to our suffering. …”

Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, and Chairman of GAFCON, Dr. Foley Beach has released his Easter message – Read it all here.

The Challenge of Feminism

Equal but Different has republished two articles by Dr Claire Smith on “The Challenge of Feminism” –

Part 1 – Should We Call Ourselves Feminists?

Part 2 – God’s Better Solutions.

The Challenges of Global Anglicanism #6: Episcopacy in England, Africa and North America

Church Society is continuing its series on the Challenges of Global Anglicanism:

“Lee Gatiss introduces three bishops from different parts of the Anglican world who speak about episcopacy and being a bishop today.

The bishops are: Rod Thomas, Bishop of Maidstone in the Church of England; Stephen Fagbemi, Bishop of Owo in the Church of Nigeria; and Julian Dobbs, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word, part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).”

Watch or listen here.

Centre for Christian Living — Commanding the heart: Lust

Coming up on Wednesday 4th May, Marshall Ballantine-Jones and Dani Treweek are speaking at the next Centre for Christian Living event at Moore College.

Attend in person or watch online.

Details here.

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