Lawlessness Everywhere

“Our country is at a crucial crossing point. In the past, even though there were extraordinarily damaging disputes such as the Civil War, the country survived them by adhering to its founding fathers’ principle that ours was ‘a country of laws, not men.’ In other words, the Constitution was worth protecting at all costs, lest we descend into some form of tyranny — which, by definition, is government by man (or men), not by law.  The tyrant, not the Constitution, defines in that case what the law is.

As evidenced by the recent presidential election, it is now an open question whether ours may still be said to be a country of laws. This question is brought into sharpest focus by the recent lawsuit filed by the State of Texas in the United States Supreme Court …”

– For those praying for the outcome of the Presidential election (1 Timothy 2:1-6.), this background briefing by Christian lawyer A. S. Haley may be helpful in understanding the latest legal moves.

Sydney Diocese Response to actions in the Diocese of Wangaratta

Here’s a media release from the Diocese of Sydney, in response to actions by the recently-retired Bishop of Wangaratta:

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Public Statement 

Response to actions in the Diocese of Wangaratta

We are deeply distressed that the previous Bishop of Wangaratta should take presumptive action by blessing a same-sex marriage.

In doing so, he must be aware that this is a deeply contentious issue which will be the focus of the General Synod when it meets next year.

We continue to work to preserve faithfulness and unity in the Australian Church as we navigate these issues, guided by the clear voice of Scripture. That remains our hope, but this action prior to the 2021 General Synod creates a serious breach in our national Church life.

It would be naïve to think that mutually contradictory views on same-sex marriage can co-exist within our national Church. Pronouncing God’s blessing on a same-sex marriage is contrary to the teaching of Christ. It is therefore untenable to have some members of the Church purporting to declare God’s blessing in such circumstances. To pursue this course will not bring healing but will only lead to a collapse in the fellowship that binds us together.

One need only look across the Tasman, let alone around the Anglican world, to see that the issue of same-sex blessings has created an irreparable tear in the fabric of our fellowship.

While General Synod will address these issues next year, any further breaches of fellowship will only lead to the alienation of Anglicans who wish to remain faithful to the teaching of Scripture. Furthermore, alternative pathways will need to be provided for them to retain their Anglican identity, as outlined in Gafcon Australia’s document, Commitment 2020.

The Most Rev. Dr Glenn Davies, Archbishop of Sydney
The Rt Rev. Peter Hayward, Bishop of Wollongong,
The Rt Rev. Chris Edwards, Bishop of North Sydney
The Rt Rev. Peter Lin, Bishop of Georges River Region
The Rt Rev. Dr Michael Stead, Bishop of South Sydney
The Rt Rev. Gary Koo, Bishop of Western Sydney
The Rt Rev. Malcolm Richards, Bishop for International Relations

10 December 2020.


See also:

First same-sex marriage blessing conducted after Tribunal decision – Melbourne Anglicans.

Anglican Network in Europe launched


A new Anglican jurisdiction is launched

“The Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE) is a partnership of new and existing church initiatives led by the Gafcon Missionary Bishop for Europe.

This new organisation is an authentic expression of Anglican church life and mission, authorised and supported by the Gafcon Primates. In June 2020 they passed a resolution, recommending that:

“Bishop Andy Lines be appointed as the Bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe, encompassing two convocations, The Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) and the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE), and that Bishop Andy Lines be under the primatial oversight of whoever is the Chairman of the Primates Council for his point of accountability.”

This initiative follows Gafcon’s previous support for the establishment of AMiE and the Scottish Anglican Network; it also replaces the oversight generously provided up until now by the Anglican Network in Canada and which ends on December 31st. …”

Read the full press release, and learn more about ANiE here.

A Conversation with Bishop Julian Dobbs

Joshua Bovis, the Vicar of St. John the Evangelist in Tamworth, recently chatted with Bishop Julian Dobbs, Bishop of The Anglican Diocese of the Living Word, in the USA, on the theme of Advent.

“Knowing that Jesus will coming again greatly steadies us in this shaky world. One verse in 25 in the New Testament touches on the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke of it often. Paul called it ‘our blessed hope’. Peter called it ‘our living hope’. Running unmistakably through the Bible is the unshakeable conviction and insistence that the God who is working in history and who has already established his rule in Jesus Christ will one day bring history to a goal or climax in the Son of Man’s coming in glory. You can’t read the New Testament and be in any doubt about that.”

Joshua published the conversation for his church, and has also made it available for your encouragement. (PDF file)

And please do pray for the Armidale Election Synod, meeting this Saturday (12th December) to elect the next Bishop of Armidale.

Carl Trueman speaks about his book ‘The Sexual Revolution and the Rise of the Modern Self’

At Christ the Center’s podcast from Reformed Forum, Carl Trueman speaks about his new book, “The Sexual Revolution and the Rise of the Modern Self”.

“My aim is to explain how and why a certain notion of the self has come to dominate the culture of the West, why this self finds its most obvious manifestation in the transformation of sexual mores, and what the wider implications of this transformation are and may well be in the future.”

Listen here.

See also:

Review: ‘The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self’ by Carl Trueman.

Advent And The Social Dilemma

“Advent is God’s time out, his season set aside for us to have ears to hear and eyes to see; to recognize that Jesus Christ is coming—always coming—in every moment, in every encounter, if we are attentive. It’s time to prepare for the celebration of his “God-in-the-flesh” birth among us and to simultaneously become wide awake to his coming again. Advent is patience in a world of impatience.

Advent is also that season in which God has called us to slow down and wait on Jesus Christ with eager expectation and to not miss him.

But the algorithms that drive our cell phones and other instruments of social media have no capacity for slowing down.…”

– Canon Phil Ashey writes at The American Anglican Council.

All good things come to an end

“ ‘All good things come to an end’ is an expression of an earthly truth.  At the end of this week I leave my position as the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Armidale. Sadly I must also lay down my pen as the writer of articles for the Extra and Express. My guess is that this news will be greeted with a range of responses.

Over nearly a decade I have written many articles, some controversial, some fun, some just expressing disappointment or a communal grief. Whether you have appreciated the articles or not, it is interesting to consider the past decade of Australian history as captured in some of the ‘Faith Matters’ articles. …”

– Bishop Rick Lewers, shortly to leave Armidale to become Rector of Shoalhaven Heads, writes his last article for the local papers.

Please continue to pray for Rick and Janene, and also for the saints in the Diocese of Armidale as they begin to seek a new bishop.


Phillip Jensen has written to encourage prayer –

Our country is desperately in need of our prayers so would you join us for a day to:

What better day than Australia Day, 26th January (the public holiday just before the year gets under way)?

What better way than in our parish churches – with connections to others meeting to pray?

Last January we started an evangelistic prayer day with a group of young adults. Read more

NSW Covid-19 rules for churches from 7 Dec 2020

“The NSW Government has now released the text of the new more generous gathering rules which will apply from Monday 7 December, in the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 7) 2020 (“PHO7”).

The new rules are much more generous in allowing churches to gather – in short, most indoor church meetings will only be subject to a new ‘one person per 2 square metres’ rule, rather than a hard numerical cap. Restrictions as to outdoor gatherings have also been eased. …”

– Neil Foster at Law and Religion Australia helpfully outlines the latest COVID-19 rules for churches in NSW.

When to take a stand

“From time to time, faithful Christians have been called on to take a stand for the gospel.

In the 1st century it was over circumcision and Gentile inclusion in the church.

In the 4th century it was over the nature of God and the divinity of Christ.

In the 16th century it was over the authority of Scripture and justification by faith.

In the 18th and 19th centuries it was over the possibility of miracles and the historical reliability of the Gospels.

And in the 21st century, it is over marriage, gender and sexuality. …”

– Tom Habib writes plainly at The Australian Church Record.

The Coming — a dramatic new Christmas video from Glen Scrivener and Speak Life.

This year’s Christmas video from Glen Scrivener and Speak Life has just been released. This ambitious production, an animation based on “The Coming” by R. S. Thomas, is sure to generate discussion.

Be sure to watch.


You could pray about ways of using this video for Christmas.

Teaching and prayer: Banned in Victoria?

From The Pastor’s Heart, a very important topic:

“This week on the Pastor’s Heart, we’re discussing upcoming legislation that is being pushed in Victoria. The Change of Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 has consequences of 10 years imprisonment for anyone engaging in “change of suppression practices.” Expert reading of the bill suggest this threatens religious freedom and implicates Bible Studies, Church services and even one-to-one prayer.

This week – we talk with key Christian leaders from Victoria: Murray Campbell and Chris Duke along with Law Professor Neil Foster about the ramifications of this bill.

We’ll discuss the details of the bill, the implications for Christians in Victoria and wider implications for Churches across Australia and the Western world. We’ll also discuss how Christian leaders can respond and opportunities to clarify and limit the scope of the bill.”

Watch or listen here.


What Explains the Left’s Hostility to Religious Liberty? It’s All About the Sexual Revolution – Albert Mohler, 02 December 2020.

Further information about Victorian “Conversion Practices” Bill – Neil Foster, 03 December 2020.

Singing is back!

“Pressure from churches has led to changes to COVID Public Health orders which will allow churchgoers to sing at Christmas services, but they have been advised to wear masks. …

The Health orders will be in force from Monday, 7th December.”

– Good news from

The Australian Church Record Journal, Summer 2020-21

The latest Australian Church Record Journal is packed with helpful and informative features.

Be sure to download your copy – and let others know.

Here’s a taste of what’s in this issue:

Celebrate the great unmasking of God

“This has been the year of wearing masks.

Little did we know as we entered 2020 that Australia, and indeed the world, would suffer the effects of a pandemic from the Coronavirus – which first made its entrance into the world about 12 months ago in Wuhan, China. …”

– Archbishop Glenn Davies shares a very appropriate Christmas message in the December 2020 edition of Southern Cross.

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