What can we learn about prayer from Ephesians?

From Lionel Windsor at Moore College:

“Prayer: What are you doing when you pray? Who are you praying to? Why does it matter?

Here are three key reflections on the topic of prayer in Ephesians in my series Lift Your Eyes: Reflections on Ephesians.”

– See them at Forget the Channel.

Bishop of Armidale flags return to parish ministry — at Shoalhaven Heads

“This has not been an easy decision but nor was the call to be a Bishop, but what a privilege it has been to serve among you.

In my time as Bishop I have watched the suffering of a drought affected rural diocese and stood beside and with you in such suffering. I have ordained and appointed many of you to positions. Like yourselves, I have lived with the frustrations of what can and can’t be done and been forced, like all of you, to fall back on our great God in faith. …”

– from Bishop Rick Lewers’ message to the clergy and parishes of the Armidale Diocese.

Please do pray for Rick and Janene, for the parish of Shoalhaven Heads, and also for the saints in the Diocese of Armidale.

GAFCON Chairman’s September 2020 Letter

“It seems trite and overused to say we are living in ‘unprecedented times.’ But the reality is that we are. These times are still ‘unprecedented.’

But they are not unique. The history of the Church is full of the changes and chances of life and the followers of Jesus continued on with His ministry and His message.

So, in the midst of these times, we press on towards Christ and His purposes for us. We go forward. Always Forward.  Everywhere Forward! …”

– Archbishop Foley Beach, Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council, shares encouragement in this month’s pastoral letter.

Sydney Anglicans, religious schools declare support for Latham discrimination bill

“A number of powerful interest groups including the Sydney Anglican Diocese, the Association of Independent Schools and Catholic Schools NSW have declared support for One Nation leader Mark Latham’s bill to amend the state’s discrimination laws in favour of religious freedom. …”

– Report from The Sydney Morning Herald.

Archbishop Glenn Davies on being a father

For his online service for Father’s Day, Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, spoke with Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies.

He began by asking Glenn about how he felt when he learned he would become a father for the first time.

When Looking for a Church, Beware the “Right Fit”

“I’ve given up trying to recall all the times someone has said to me, ‘Murray, there aren’t enough young families at your church.’ Or, ‘There are too many children.’ Or, ‘The youth group is too small.’ Or, ‘Where are all the elderly people?’ Or, ‘The church is too large.’ Or, ‘The church is too small.’ ‘The music is too new.’ ‘The music is too traditional.’ …

– At 9Marks, Murray Campbell reminds us of what’s important in a church.

GAFCON Lift Up Your Hearts Devotions with Stephen Noll

The Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll is contributing this month to GAFCON’s “Lift Up Your Hearts” devotionals.

He is sharing on the subject of “Marriage According to the Book of Common Prayer”.

Read or listen at the GAFCON website.

You can also subscribe to daily e-mail updates.

South Sudan Floods appeal

“Sydney-based Reverend Samuel Majok, leader of the South Sudanese congregation at St Mark’s Oakhurst, is raising funds for many thousands of people impacted by recent severe flooding that devastated most of Jongei State, where Samuel’s family is from. …”

– Learn more at Anglican Aid. (Photo: Anglican Aid.)

See also:

The emergency you haven’t heard about – SydneyAnglicans.net

Death and starvation as floods destroy South Sudan – ABC Religion and Ethics Report.

West Wyalong Anglican Church

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder is praying for someone to serve as the new Minister at West Wyalong – someone who will bring the word of God to equip the saints and to make an impact for the Lord Jesus Christ.

It would good to join him in that prayer.

For more info, see Ministry Opportunities.

Church Society launches The Global Anglican

During a live event this evening, Peter Jensen, Alfred Olwa and Sammy Morrison joined Lee Gatiss and Ros Clarke for the re-launch of Church Society’s theological journal.

Established as Churchman in 1879, the new journal is now known as The Global Anglican.

The launch issue may downloaded here from Church Society.

Preaching the Wisdom of Proverbs

“Having won the NRL Premiership for the second successive time in 2019, the Coach of the victorious Roosters, Trent Robinson, was asked what he would do to win three in a row in 2020.

The coach responded that he would do nothing differently because 2020 would be different, different schedule of matches, injuries and weather conditions. The prize, he said, would go to the team which adapted best to change.

None of us could have anticipated then, how different 2020 would be to 2019.

None of us can predict with certainty what a day will bring but God knows and orders all things and,  a Bible reading in the morning may become exactly the word from God we need to hear for that particular day. That is why we need to pay more respect to the random nature of the book of Proverbs.

There are three ways to preach the book of Proverbs …”

– At The Expository Preaching Trust, David Cook shares some helpful tips on preaching from the Book of Proverbs.

Also on Proverbs:

When Solomon’s Fool Created a Social Media Platform – Tim Challies.

“The fool of the book of Proverbs is a vivid illustration of practical atheism, for this foolish man lives as if there is no God and as if God isn’t concerned about human behaviour. The fool may not actually deny the existence of the divine, but he practically denies it by choosing to live according to his own way rather than God’s. Though wisdom is available, personified in the form of a woman who cries aloud and begs everyone to follow, the fool chooses to go his own way instead and displays all the devastating consequences of such rebellion.

Solomon’s fool is relevant to every age, and certainly not least to this age when we have such ready access to forms of communication that in any other era would be considered the stuff of science fiction.”

Southern Cross — September 2020

The September 2020 issue of Anglican Media Sydneys Southern Cross magazine is now available to read online, or to download as a PDF file.

(Click on the icon at the top left of the linked page to download.)

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