More Australian same sex marriage implications — the “monitum” and “rogue priests”

“With the commencement of the legislation adopting same-sex marriage for Australia today, 9 December, it seems worthwhile to note some more implications, following my initial comments on the change.

The two I would like to address here are the changes to the ‘monitum’, the summary of Australian marriage law required to be recited by some celebrants; and the possible issues surrounding what I will call “rogue priests”, clergy in one of the mainstream Christian denominations who may wish to solemnise same-sex marriages when their denomination adheres to the historic Christian position that marriage is only between a man and a woman. …”

– At Law and Religion Australia, Assoc. Professor Neil Foster considers further implications of the decision to legalise same-sex marriage.

AMiE ordination service – 7th December 2017

Through its Vimeo account, GAFCON has released a video snapshot of the AMiE ordinations in London on Thursday December 7:

“Revd. Lee McMunn introduces the first ever AMiE ordination service which took place in London, England. The video also includes footage from the event itself.”

Watch here.

St. Helen’s Bishopsgate relationships with other deanery churches ‘temporarily impaired’

From St. Helen’s Bishopsgate (via their Twitter account):

“After William Taylor’s sermon last Sunday on Romans 16 (), he met with the Area Dean on Monday, and this is his subsequent letter.”

From the letter:

“Our temporarily impaired relationship means that we shall no longer take part in some activities within the deanery that imply partnership in the Gospel. This will impact a number of areas including the clergy chapter, prayers in deanery synod, and deanery services.

In other respects we shall remain full and active members of the deanery and diocesan structures.”

Click here to read the full letter. (And do watch or listen to the sermon linked above.)

Northwest Network December 2017

The December 2017 issue of Northwest Network, the newsletter of the Diocese of North West Australia, is now available for you to download.

Use it (1.4MB PDF file) to fuel your prayers for NW Australia, and the followers of Jesus who live there, as they hold fast to the word of life.

Dr Matt Brain elected 10th Bishop of Bendigo

Dr Matt Brain, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, has been elected 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Bendigo.

Here is the announcement from the Bendigo Vicar General:

“Diocesan Update – 7th December 2017

Election of 10th Bishop of Bendigo

Dear Friends,

Following the prayerful work of the Bishopric Electoral Board over a number of months, I am delighted to announce that last night The Right Rev’d Dr Matt Brain was duly elected by the Board as the 10th Bishop of Bendigo.

Bishop Matt is currently an Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn. He has worked in both lay and ordained capacity in five dioceses including North-West Australia where he was ordained and gained valuable experience in rural and remote ministry.

At the diocesan level Bishop Matt is currently responsible for Ministry Training and Development in Canberra- Goulburn, and oversees Parish Support Chaplaincy and Mission. He has served as Acting Registrar for the diocese on two occasions and was the Director of Anglican Diocesan Services until recently. He has served on numerous diocesan and school boards and is a member of General Synod and the Primatial Panel of Electors.

At the parish level he is currently the Rector of Arawang Anglican Church, south-west of Canberra, where he leads a ministry team comprising of ordained and lay leaders.

Bishop Matt has published numerous books, articles and conference papers and lectures at St Marks Theological College in Ministry and Outreach where he is also the deputy chair of the board. His doctoral thesis was “Treasures in Jars of Clay: Towards a new Pauline Pastoral Theology of Mission to Generation Y in Australia.”

Bishop Matt has a keen interest in advocacy and is a trustee of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund-Australia.

He is married to Rachael and they have 5 children aged 8-15. Bishop Matt originally trained and worked as a physiotherapist. He lists his interests as playing guitar, reading, cycling and jogging.

As a Diocese we have worked hard to be transformative, mission-shaped communities of faith so that our society may be transformed by Jesus. Bishop Matt is delighted to be able to join with us as we seek to be true to this calling and is looking forward to sharing in Jesus’ transformative work with us.

Details of when Bishop Matt will move to Bendigo will follow in the coming weeks. The date for his installation is Saturday, 17 February at St Paul’s Cathedral, Bendigo.

Please pray for Bishop Matt, Rachael and their children as they make their way to Bendigo and Matt starts his new ministry with us.

With blessings,

The Very Rev’d John Roundhill
Vicar General.”

Photo: Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.

Same Sex Marriage legislation — Sydney Diocese Media Statement

Anglican Diocese of Sydney

Media Statement

As previously acknowledged, I recognise the mandate of the Parliament to legislate for Same-Sex Marriage.

However, we are disappointed the votes against reasonable amendments did not reflect the concerns of significant sections of the community.

We appreciate the Prime Minister’s pledge to consider seriously the issues of freedom of speech, conscience and belief and await a timeline and terms of reference for the upcoming Ruddock review.

These issues are of vital concern to Australians of various faiths and of none, including the more than 1 in 3 Australians who voted No in the postal survey.

Archbishop Glenn Davies

Friday, 8 December 2017.


Australia adopts same sex marriage: law and religion implications

“Legislation re-defining marriage to include same sex couples passed its final third reading stage in the Commonwealth House of Representatives this evening Australian time, December 7. The Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 will soon become law when it receives the Royal Assent.

In this post I want to start exploring some immediate implications for religious freedom and other ‘law and religion’ issues. …”

– Associate Professor Neil Foster shares some insights into the same-sex marriage legislation passed today.

He also addresses the idea that Bible-believing ministers should “‘hand in their license’ and no longer participate in solemnising any marriages for the purposes of the Marriage Act.”

Passing of Smith Bill shows Disregard for Freedoms — Coalition for Marriage

“The passing of the Dean Smith bill unamended through the House of Representatives today was evidence of the disregard that many MPs have for the freedoms of Australians and the upholding of international human rights obligations, the Coalition for Marriage said today.

‘It is deeply disappointing that both the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader reneged on the assurances they gave to the Australian people during the marriage campaign,’ Coalition for Marriage spokesman, Lyle Shelton said. …”

– Read the full media statement from Coalition for Marriage here.

Celebrate the AMiE Ordinations online

“On Thursday 7th December 2017, nine men will be ordained by Bishop Andy Lines. This will be the first ordination service. It is a significant day for those being ordained and in the life of the Anglican Mission in England. Because of this we want as many people as possible to share this occasion with us.

Please come along to the service if you can. We’d love you to be there if you’d like to celebrate with us and pray for those being set apart as deacons and presbyter. The ordination will happen at East London Tabernacle Church. This is located in Mile End, not far from the Tube Station. It will start at 8pm [7:00am AEDT Friday 8th December] and finish by 9.30pm.

If you cannot make it to the service but would like to watch it then check out our Facebook page. We are planning to livestream it here. Simply like the page and you will be able to access this significant event from anywhere in the world.”

– from The Anglican Mission in England.

Read about AMiE here.

Moore College: Challenging Domestic Violence

“In light of recent reminders in the news about domestic violence among ministry families, Moore College wishes once again to affirm our strong commitment to tackling domestic violence and doing all in our power to ensure that all of our students and their spouses are both safe and equipped to deal with the issue.

For several years now we have been working to address the issue in multiple ways, including …”

– Moore College has outlined the ways the college has been challenging domestic violence.

‘Eternity – A tribute to Arthur Stace’

In 2000 and 2001, Sydney artist David Lever painted a series of paintings depicting the life of Arthur Stace.

“Mr. Eternity: The Story of Arthur Stace”, by Roy Williams and Elizabeth Meyers, launched in Sydney last month, reproduces a number of the paintings.

We thought you might enjoy seeing more of David Lever’s “Eternity” collection, now published on his website. (One of our favourites is ‘Preparing for the Eternity run 4.30am – 5.30am’.)

Photo: David and Lorna Lever with Roy Williams (centre) at the book launch.

Meet the Nativity episode 2

Meet the Nativity episode 2, and the accompanying ‘Behind the scenes’ video are now online.

(Episode 1 was released last week.)

Gospel Ministry and the Nowhere Generation conference — videos

The videos from the Gospel Ministry and The Nowhere Generation conference held on November 30th are now available. Most encouraging and challenging.

Watch them at

Part 1. – Introductory session.

Part 2. – Teaching session: Understanding Wealth and the Nowhere Generation.

Still learning how to preach after 50 years preaching!

“In December 1967 I preached my first sermon at St Thomas’ South Richmond, soon to be demolished, to a congregation of 4 people. What a privilege! It was on the cross of Christ, but I forget what Bible text I used to launch my sermon!

I was from a non-Christian family, and had been converted in my last year in school in 1963. I first heard expository preaching in January 1965, when John Stott toured Australia, and gave Bible studies on 2 Corinthians. I thought, ‘That is how you should preach, and that is what I want to do.’…”

– Encouraging personal testimony from Dr. Peter Adam – at The Gospel Coalition Australia.

When freedom has been taken away

“What can we do? This is a question I’ve been asked several times since we lost the plebiscite battle for the definition of marriage.

Last week’s rejection of freedom of speech by the Senate has sent shock waves through churches, mosques and Christian and Muslim schools.

The House of Representatives, which is this week debating Liberal Senator Dean Smith’s same-sex marriage bill, is unlikely to improve things. …”

– Lyle Shelton at the Australian Christian Lobby writes about the challenging days ahead.

See also: Religious freedom protections must not be delayed – Freedom for Faith, 27 November 2017.


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