Perth consecration

holy-queenFrom The Book of Common Prayer, 1662, Consecration of Bishops: The Archbishop is to ask the candidate,

“Be you ready, with all faithful diligence, to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God’s Word; and both privately and openly to call upon and encourage others the same?”

(page 591, Cambridge pocket edition.)

David Ould publishes some excerpts from a recent consecration at St. George’s Cathedral in Perth.

Australian Marriage Forum takes out full page ad

not-marriageThe Australian Marriage Forum today (10th August 2015) took out a full page advertisement in The Australian newspaper, on the eve of a move to change marriage legislation in Federal Parliament.

“The Ad was funded entirely by online donations at the AMF website. No corporations, no churches, just concerned Australians donating online.”

See the A3 advertisment (3.6MB PDF file), and the associated media release.

‘Parents push back against religion in public schools’

sre-curriculum“Parents concerned about religious evangelism in public schools will launch a campaign urging families to opt out of scripture classes…”

– Read the full story from The Sydney Morning Herald.

See also: Why Christians don’t need to hate the new anti-scripture billboard – from Bible Society Australia.

“A billboard purchased by an anti-religion in schools group has been unveiled in south west Sydney today. Some Christian leaders think that it’s an opportunity to talk more about the gospel.

God says you are stuck in your sin and need to be rescued from his judgement,’ the ad from FIRIS group (which stands for Fairness in Religion in Schools) reads…” (emphasis added)

Image: Youthworks.

Vaughan Roberts interviewed at Moore

Vaughan Roberts interviewVaughan Roberts was interviewed and answered questions during Moore College’s Mission and Ministry Hour last week.

Vaughan shares how he came to faith in Christ, about his influences, ministry at St. Ebbes’, challenges of working in the Church of England, and surviving in ministry.

Encouraging and well worth watching, especially for people in full time ministry, and those supporting them.

Also on the college website, see the progress of Moore’s building project via some time-lapse videos. (What’s being built? Details here.)

Anglican Communion ‘Secretary-General’ affirms Lambeth 1.10

Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon (right) with Archbishop Justin Welby. Archbishop of Canterbury's website.Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, the new Secretary-General of the Anglican Communion, affirms his commitment to Lambeth 1.10 in an interview on the BBC Radio 4’s Sunday Programme and speaks against criminalisation of homosexual behaviour.

“Any resolution from any province that does not take Resolution 1.10 seriously is against the agreement within this church….. As Secretary General my job is to present and execute the decisions of the four instruments of unity we have…. I stand by Resolution 1.10…. This Communion has a position.”

BBC 4 Sunday Programme  August 9, 2015.  The segment begins 11:50 into the programme, with the interview starting at 18 minutes. (via Anglican Mainstream.)

TV networks ‘refuse to show ad’ asking for more debate on same-sex marriage

tv-ad-refused“A television ad suggesting there’s more to same sex marriage than has been considered so far in public debates has been denied airings on Channel 10, Channel 7 and some radio stations this week.

The ad campaign, titled “There’s more to it than you think,” was created by newly formed group the Marriage Alliance and launched this week in Sydney. The ads depict same-sex marriage arguments around equality as just the “tip of the iceberg” of issues that haven’t yet had a proper public airing…”

– Report from The Bible Society.

Creation and new creation

Dan Wu“In this second part of his consideration of Psalm 104, Dan Wu looks at the difference between the world’s sinfulness, the joy of the psalm and how we should respond.”

– from the Moore College website. (Part 1 here.)

GAFCON Chairman’s July — August 2015 Pastoral Letter

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala“I am writing to you on the day when the Church has traditionally celebrated the Transfiguration. The veil that covered Jesus’ glory in his earthly ministry is briefly drawn aside before he begins his journey to Jerusalem and death upon the cross. While Jesus prayed, Peter, James and John slept, but we must not judge them harshly. Climbing mountains is hard work! In fact, they were so deeply asleep that the reality being revealed was not immediately clear to them, yet the impact was lasting.

Years later, Peter recalls this moment on the mountain as he writes to spiritually sleepy Christians who are in danger of forgetting the truth of the gospel and have become complacent about false teachers…

The problem TEC in particular continues to pose for the rest of the Communion was highlighted by another but less reported resolution from its 2015 General Convention, A051, ‘Support LGBT African Advocacy’ which mandates that Church to spread its ideas to Africa…”

– GAFCON Primates’ Council Chairman, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, sends his latest Pastoral Letter.

Annual Moore College Lectures 2015

mtc-lectures-2015Professor Kevin J. Vanhoozer is delivering this year’s Annual Moore College Lectures, starting 7th August. Free and open to the public. Details here.

If you can’t get there in person, the first lecture will be streamed live.

Newcastle diocese committed to changing ‘culture of fear’

Bishop of Newcastle Greg Thompson“Newcastle’s Anglican Bishop Greg Thompson says he is preparing for the harsh realities that a royal commission probe into the diocese may bring…”

– report from ABC News. (Image from Bishop Thompson’s earlier apology.)

Christians called to respond to Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood exposed“We have come to a singularly important moment in the battle against abortion (which is to say, the battle for life). The stunning undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress have taken us right to the heart of the abortion industry. …

Yesterday’s video, the fifth, is the most horrendous yet… It is absolutely sickening, absolutely shocking, absolutely unflinching, absolutely real. It exposes the industry, shining a billion-watt light into its darkest recesses. What was meant to remain hidden has now been made plain.

Once you see this, you cannot unsee it. Once you know what happens in Planned Parenthood and a host of other clinics, you cannot unknow it. That’s true even for those of us who live on the other side of an international border. What happens in America doubtless happens in Canada, England, and everywhere else.”

Tim Challies has 4 ways Christians (particularly in the US) can respond, including links to helpful material, as does Justin Taylor.

Planting Churches in Japan

JapanThe Ligonier Ministries website has an encouraging interview with Dr. Dan Iverson, country leader in Japan with Mission to the World. (The team includes CMS’ Karen Darda and several other Australians.) Good background for prayer.

Turmoil in Newport Beach

bp-bruno-rec-la“The people of St. James the Great Church in Newport Beach, California, thought they had their bishop’s long-term support when they moved into the building in October 2013, after the diocese’s long-term property battle with former members who joined the Anglican Church in North America. He was at the ceremony and offered his blessing.

But now they have no building because the Rt. Rev. J. Jon Bruno signed a deal in May to sell it for $15 million to a luxury housing developer. They feel betrayed, and they are fighting back.

In July church members filed a lengthy complaint, or presentment, against the bishop. It charges Bishop Bruno with 147 violations of church law…”

The Living Church has the latest on St. James, Newport Beach.

Church Leaders’ views on Marriage

David CookPresbyterian Moderator-General David Cook, along with Roman Catholic spokesman Brian Lucas, were interviewed today by Neil Johnson on Vision Christian Radio’s 20Twenty programme.

The topic: the proposed changes to Australian marriage laws.

The 47 minute segment can be downloaded here as a 19MB mp3 file.

Vaughan Roberts at Moore College chapel

Vaughan RobertsVaughan Roberts spoke on Acts 16 (Paul and Silas at Philippi) at Moore College Chapel this morning.

Listen here. (43MB mp3 file.) Super encouraging.

(You can hear other recent chapel sermons here.)

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