CESA Presiding Bishop Desmond Inglesby to retire

PBishop Desmond Inglesbyresiding Bishop of REACH South Africa (formerly known as CESA), Bishop Desmond Inglesby announced his early retirement –

“It is with great sadness that I need to inform you that, for medical reasons, I have decided to retire early. This means that I will be stepping down as Presiding Bishop with effect from the end of September.”

Read more at the REACH-South Africa website – and please pray for Bishop Inglesby and for the work of the gospel in South Africa.

Leaders need wisdom, diplomacy and resolve to find the way of peace

Phillip Jensen“Any sensible person wants peace, but the way of peace is not as easy to find as the way of war. The Prime Minister calls Australia a carefree nation yet we have to confront the Islamic State overseas and, it seems, at home.

I would not want my words twisted again in public debate so let me be perfectly clear. Our leaders need our prayers for wisdom, diplomacy and resolve as they seek to find the way of peace. The evil deeds of recent weeks cannot be left unanswered, but what is the best way to protect innocent people on the other side of the world? …”

– Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen writes in The Daily Telegraph.

The War of the Cross

war-of-the-cross“When ISIS changed its name in June from ‘the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIL, or the Arabic acronym ISIS) to simply ‘the Islamic State’, this was a shift of enormous theological and eschatological significance. …

The Islamic State sees itself … playing a key role in the End Times in fulfilment of many prophecies, when all the enemies of Islam (particularly Christians) will be defeated.”

– Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, writes that the theology and eschatology of ISIS explains a great deal about their actions. (Photo: Barnabas Fund.)

GAFCON Chairman to assist at investuture of ACNA Archbishop

Dr Foley Beach‘It has been announced that the Chairman of GAFCON, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, will assist at the Service of Investiture for the new ACNA Archbishop.

The service will take place on October 9, to formally mark the beginning of the Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach’s [pictured] ministry as Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), a denomination of more than 112,000 members spanning Canada, the United States and Mexico.

The historic transition is the first for the new denomination, as its founding leader, The Most Rev. Robert Duncan, retired in June 2014 at the conclusion of a five-year term.

Dr Wabukala, who is also Archbishop of Kenya, has been invited to help lead the service, which will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Oct 9th at the Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, Georgia and will be attended by 8 global archbishops representing more than 50 million Anglicans.”

– from GAFCON.

Archbishop Davies welcomes new Roman Catholic leader

Anthony Fisher“The Archbishop of Sydney issued a statement of welcome to Bishop Anthony Fisher, named as the successor to Cardinal George Pell as Roman Catholic Archbishop of Sydney.”

– read Archbishop Davies’ statement here.
(Photo credit.)

Cranmer the evangelist

Archbishop Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke“The language of The Book of Common Prayer may be over 400 years old, but captured within it is a clear evangelistic structure, based on scripture: a recognition of personal sin, repentance, forgiveness and praise at God’s goodness.

We may not use BCP liturgies directly, but let us use the truths of scripture contained within for our own good, the good of our families, our church and our nation, and ultimately for the glory of God. This article is worth reading not just for its look at the BCP services, but also as a reminder that the structure of our services can be evangelistic, not just our preaching.”

– At Church Society’s blog, Chris Kilgour recommends Samuel Leuenberger’s 1992 Churchman article, “Archbishop Cranmer’s Immortal Bequest: The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England: An Evangelistic Liturgy” (PDF file).

Loving Muslim neighbours with the gospel

Engaging with IslamSamuel Green’s “Engaging with Islam Training Course” is an invaluable resource.

“The Engaging with Islam course is designed to give Christians a practical introduction to the history and teaching of Islam and a foundation for answering common questions.

The course can be done individually, in a small group or as part of leadership training. Anyone can lead this course as no previous knowledge of Islam is required and leader’s notes are provided. The course is a mix of preparation material, group discussion and a video presentation.”

Check it out here.

New Director for Moore College’s Centre for Christian Living

Tony Payne“Rev Tony Payne has been appointed the director of Moore College’s Centre for Christian Living. The centre, established in 2010 to resource Christians to live as disciples of Christ and to tackle the hard issues of the twenty-first century, will be ‘rebooted’ in early 2015…”

– News from Moore Theological College.
Also at SydneyAnglicans.net.

‘Gay rector faces backlash in pews’

Dominic McClean“An Anglican clergyman is facing opposition from parishioners over a service in his local church to bless his same-sex civil partnership.

The Rev Dominic McClean, the Rector of 13 parishes around the village of Market Bosworth in Leicestershire, invited parishioners to the special service this weekend to mark his civil union with his partner…” – Story from The Telegraph. (h/t SydneyAnglicans.net) Photo: Market Bosworth Benefice.

Book for the ACL Synod Dinner

Synod DinnerGet the details and book here for the ACL Synod Dinner on Monday 13th October.

(Only limited spaces left!)

Archbishop Davies calls for increased humanitarian refugee intake

Archbishop Glenn Davies“The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney has written to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, asking for Australia’s humanitarian intake to be lifted to 20,000.

Dr Glenn Davies again expressed concern about the wave of persecution in Iraq and Syria, saying Christians and other religious minorities have been ‘persecuted, threatened, dispossessed and in many cases, killed for their beliefs. Those who have survived are in transit camps with few possessions and little hope. Some are not yet safe as it is reported that there are ‘hidden cells’ of terrorists who may be activated and pose a further threat to Christians who have fled the north.’…”

– story from SydneyAnglicans.net.

Update: Abbott urged to lift refugee intakeThe Australian.

“Bill Shorten is considering proposals to boost the refugee intake, amid Left faction unrest over military intervention in Iraq. The Opposition Leader’s move came as the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Glenn Davies, appealed to Tony Abbott…”

New commentary on Matthew

Marshall Ballantine-Jones with Peter BoltPeter Bolt’s new commentary, Matthew: A Great Light Dawns, was laucnhed last week at Moore College’s of School of Theology.

Read about it here – and order a copy here.

(Photo: Executive Director of Youthworks Media Marshall Ballantine-Jones and Peter Bolt.)

‘Imam in Residence program’ at Canadian Anglican church

The Calgary Herald“A unique Imam in Residence program is being launched at St. Martin’s Anglican Church in October in conjunction with the Al Madinah Calgary Islamic Assembly…”

– Report from The Calgary Herald.

The truth behind ISIL

Phillip Jensen“Two questions for today: Is ISIL Islamic? Is ISIL a State?

President Obama objects to the name ‘Islamic State’ (IS) because he says it’s neither Islamic nor a State.

This may well be good politics and wise diplomacy in a time of great world crisis. However, as truth is ‘the first casualty of war’ so truth has little to do with either politics or diplomacy. The patron of all politically wise diplomats is the man who asked the rhetorical question ‘What is truth?’ (John 18:38). …”

– Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, writes in his weekly column.

Bamboo cross draws Japanese bishop to Canberra

bamboo-cross“Bishop Andrew Yatuka Nakamura, the Bishop of Kobe, and his wife will visit Canberra on 16 and 17 September. Bishop Andrew follows in the steps of Bishop Michael Yashiro who came to St John’s on 10 June 1950 and presented a small bamboo cross with the inscription Reconciliation and Repentance at a service.

The Sydney Morning Herald on 10 June 1950 reported the visit, the first by a Japanese leader at a time when the wounds from the Pacific war and its infamous prison camps were still raw…”

– a story of reconciliation from the diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.

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