Sydney’s next Archbishop — The Briefing

Tony Payne“While it is perhaps inevitable that some silly things will be said and done during this ‘homework’ period, it is still a necessary and good process in my view. There has to be some means of weighing up the pros and cons of different candidates, and to do so openly and honestly in advance, in fellowship with another, seems both wise and necessary…”

– Tony Payne briefly explains the Archbishop’s election process to an outsider.

(And don’t forget the Prayer Meetings being run across the diocese this week and next. All welcome.)

Bible Society gives away ‘original script’ at Jesus Christ Superstar opening

Original ScriptMembers of the Bible Society gave away free copies of ‘the original script’ of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Sydney opening last week.

The Heart of Marriage — Loving your spouse with a Christian mind

“There is no other book on marriage like this one. It is threaded with scholarship: we see moments where the arcane world of biblical scholarship is put to very good use. It gives a basic primer in biblical anthropology—that is, in the Bible’s unexpected way of describing what it is to be human.

It uses biblical theology: rather than plucking out isolated texts and pressing them into service, Hill works with the whole counsel of God, the entire story arc of the Bible. It exhibits philosophical nuance, as he makes distinctions that helpfully change our thinking.

But all of those big-sounding things are very readable. He visits them with a light touch, using crisp sentences. And it’s woven with stories and examples. It’s a book that is good for anyone who can read at a senior-high level.”

– Andrew Cameron at Moore College reviews Dr Michael Hill’s latest book, The Heart of Marriage.

It’s available from Christian Education Publications in Sydney, Pilgrim Books in Orange and other bookshops, and can be pre-ordered in the UK from IVP.

Tom Frame to resign from St Mark’s

St. Mark's Director Tom Frame“Professor Tom Frame has announced that he will resign as Director of St Mark’s Theological [Centre in Canberra] before the start of the 2014 academic year.”

– News from the diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.

Presbyterian Principal Profile

Ian SmithThe latest issue (June/July 2013) of The Pulse, the magazine of the Presbyterian Church of NSW, has a profile of Moore College graduate Ian Smith, now Principal of their theological college at Burwood.

Pages 9 and 10 of the 4.1MB PDF file.

Mark Thompson installed at Moore

The Thompsons“Dr Mark Thompson preached at St Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney last night at his installation as the 13th Principal of Moore Theological College.

– See the story, photos and Mark’s sermon from Moore College.

Can the new St. John’s Shaughnessy really tell you anything about God?

St John's ShaughnessyFrom their website

“St. John’s Shaughnessy is a small but flourishing congregation, living our calling as Christians by faithfully walking the Anglican path. Our road is less travelled.

We do not claim absolute knowledge of the Divine. We really welcome everyone and are enriched by the dynamic tension of differing beliefs. We embrace doubt. Pray hopefully. And celebrate diversity.”

This is the new Diocese of New Westminister congregation using the building vacated by St. John’s Vancouver. (h/t Anglican Essentials Canada blog.)

Canterbury’s Lords Speech leaves door open for Same-Sex Blessings

Archbishop Welby. Photo: Archbishop of Canterbury's website“Welcome though the Archbishop of Canterbury’s opposition to the same-sex marriage bill is, Dr Justin Welby’s speech in the House of Lords on Monday made some significant concessions that bode ill for local churches. …”

– Julian Mann takes a look at Archbishop Welby’s address in the House of Lords this week.

The Gentle Temeraire

Dr Jim Packer“The book is a devotional gem.

It is also a reminder that perhaps the most important voices in the church are not those of the young and the beautiful, of the middle aged who cannot accept that their teenage years are behind them, least of all of the Twittocrats who can reduce any profound and subtly beautiful truth to 140 banal and clichéd characters; instead, they are the voices of the old and the weak who know whereof they speak when it comes to the cross and suffering and weakness.”

– Read all of Carl Trueman’s commendation of J I Packer’s Weakness is the Way.

Women Bishop Proposals may bar many evangelicals from parish ministry

rod-thomas-reform“New proposals for introducing women bishops run counter to the Church’s desire to see those on both sides of the debate flourish in the Church of England, according to Reform …”

Press release from Reform.

Installation of 13th Principal of Moore College

Dr Mark ThompsonMark Thompson will be installed as the 13th Principal of Moore College, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Thursday night.

From the College: “We hope you can join the College family on this special occasion to give thanks for God’s continued provision for Moore College and to pray for the College’s crucial work of raising up a fresh generation of gospel workers for Sydney and the world.”

Christian Freedom

Carl TruemanIn a 9Marks Leadership Interview, Mark Dever speaks with Carl Trueman, Mike McKinley, and Andy Johnson on Christian Freedom.

The Explicit Gospel — free audiobook

Matt ChandlerThis month’s free audiobook from Christian Audio is Matt Chandler’s The Explicit Gospel, published by Crossway. (The audio version is read by David Cochran Heath.)

The download is about 200MB. (There’s also an interview by Mark Dever with Matt, recorded in Sydney in 2009 on the link page.)

Free eBook: Berkhof’s Systematic Theology

Louis BerkhofLouis Berkhof’s classic theology text is now freely, and legally, available in electronic format.

Justin Taylor has the details.

20,000 New Testaments for Canberra & Goulburn

20,000 New TestamentsParishes in the diocese of Canberra & Goulburn are giving away 20,000 New Testaments to help celebrate the sesquicentenary of their diocese.

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