Christian service to commemorate drowned asylum seekers

Dr Michael Jensen“Rev Dr Michael Jensen has organised a service to commemorate the bodies of asylum seekers, recently lost at sea.

On June 6, approximately 55 people drowned near Christmas Island, after their boat capsized. The bodies were not recovered…

A Christian service of commemoration for those lost at sea will be held this Sunday, 23rd June, from 2-3pm at St Barnabas, Broadway…”

– Story from the Bible Society.

Interview with Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi

Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi“We in Africa, and in Uganda in particular, looked to the West for the gospel – because they brought the gospel to us.

And when the gospel was opened to us, we looked at what God is saying to us through the Scriptures. We embraced it, we loved it, we proclaimed it.

Eventually, the West began to put aside the Bible. They picked up human wisdom and understanding. …”

– In an interview with Lee DeYoung, recently retired Church of Uganda Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi recounts what happened to the Anglican Communion. Terrific interview.

Choosing a Minister

Phillip JensenPhillip Jensen and Kel Richards speak about Choosing a Minister – in ‘The Chat Room’. Plenty of good advice.

Satisfied only with utter Destruction

Tim Challies“Satan always aims for the utmost. He always aims at the furthest possible extent of any sin. He is willing to claim small victories on the slow march to his final goal. … If this is true, and I believe it is, Satan’s plan is not to redefine marriage but to destroy it. He hates marriage because he hates God and marriage is a godly thing.”

– Tim Challies sees Satan’s agenda in the redefinition of marriage.

Kirk could lose £1m a year over gay ordination

Church of Scotland“The Church of Scotland stands to lose more than £1 million a year in givings as congregations begin resigning from the Kirk in the row over gay ordination.

The first wave of resignations has seen six congregations quit, with half of the parishes in the Kirk’s financial heartland. The controversy could have a bigger impact on Kirk coffers as more are expected to follow over the next two years. …”

– story from The Herald Scotland. (h/t Anglican Mainstream.)

St. Helen’s training videos: Mark Tookit parts 3 and 4

Andrew SachIn the two latest St. Helen’s Training videos, Andrew Sach is in the kitchen to cook up a clearer understanding of the structure of Mark’s Gospel.

A terrific resource.

The power of stories

Stepping Out in FaithMark Gilbert explains his new book, Stepping out in Faith, to Sam Freeney:

“For me it was hard to imagine that I and my bunch of evangelical friends could be right and the massively impressive Catholic church could be wrong. No-one in my life experience had ever done what I was thinking about doing — a book like this would have been very helpful for me.”

Read Mark’s interview about this very helpful book – at The Briefing.


New Life newspaper — 15 June 2013

New LifeThe latest issue of New Life newspaper is out. Published for many years in Melbourne as a print newspaper, it’s now available in PDF format only. This issue covers expansion plans for Moore College, and the farewell service for Archbishop Jensen.

Latest issue here (PDF).

One last thing…

Dr Peter JensenRussell Powell at has a report (along with photos by Ramon Williams) on last night’s farewell service for Archbishop Peter & Mrs Christine Jensen.

Take a look.

ACL Statement of Appreciation for Archbishop Peter Jensen

Archbishop Peter JensenThe Council of the Anglican Church League has today communicated its deep appreciation to Archbishop Peter Jensen, who concludes his ministry as Archbishop next month.

The Appreciation below has been signed by ACL President Gav Poole on behalf of the League.

Peter and Christine will be publicly farewelled at a special gathering at St. Andrew’s Cathedral tonight.

Thursday, 13th June 2013

IN APPRECIATION – The Most Reverend Dr. Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan of NSW.

The President, Executive and Council of the Anglican Church League (ACL) wish to take this opportunity to formally express their deep appreciation for the leadership, support and encouragement exercised by Archbishop Peter Jensen.

Archbishop Jensen has been a member of the ACL for more than forty years and a long standing Vice President. His public commitment to the evangelical values and principles of the League has been unwavering.

As Principal of Moore Theological College he taught and mentored two generations of clergy, ensuring that evangelical, systematic and expository preaching would remain the character of Sydney Anglican pulpits.

As Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen has represented the evangelical character and convictions of our diocese with intelligence, humility, strength, humour and diligence on both the national and international stage.

Archbishop Jensen is an eminent teacher and theologian but, above all, he is loved for his deep pastoral concern for the clergy under his care and the wider diocesan family. Within Sydney and far beyond, Archbishop Jensen is warmly regarded for his deep compassion and warm personal and pastoral concern.

Archbishop Jensen has ever been a champion for the gospel which proclaims the sacrificial atoning death of Christ and his bodily resurrection. His passion to see the lost become found and discover new life in Christ has been an inspiration. He is a mission-minded man.

His kind and genuinely open disposition, while maintaining a godly resistance to moral and ethical compromise, continues as a model for all Christians who find themselves in dialogue with others. The revealed Word of God has always been his steadfast guide. His personal love for Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour is evident to all.

The goal of the ACL is to ensure, as far as possible, that the evangelical character of the Sydney diocese does not wane or fade over time. Archbishop Jensen has been a marvellous partner and formidable ally in this cause.

It is with a very deep sense of thanksgiving to God that the ACL takes this opportunity to express our appreciation for, and our debt of gratitude to, Archbishop Jensen as he approaches his retirement.

– ends.

The Church Record thanks Abp Peter Jensen

Archbishop Peter JensenThe Australian Church Record has published an appreciation of the ministry of Archbishop Peter Jensen. Read it here.

Praying for the election of a new Archbishop

prayingThe next Archbishop of Sydney will be elected at the special session of Sydney Synod beginning Monday 5th August. These prayer suggestions (PDF file) were distributed at the ACL-organised prayer meetings around Sydney in June.

Even if you couldn’t attend, these may be of some help as you pray. Here is the text from the PDF file –

Part 1 – Praying more generally for the spread of the gospel in Sydney and beyond –   Read more

Farewell service to be streamed live

Archbishop Peter and Mrs Christine Jensen. Photo: Anglican Media Sydney.Tonight’s Farewell Service for Archbishop Peter and Mrs Christine Jensen will be livestreamed from St. Andrew’s Cathedral from just before 7:00pm. You can see it here, thanks to AudioAdvice.

Calvin’s chair

Calvin's Chair“Calvin’s original pulpit is no longer there within St. Pierre’s, though a similar one has been built on the spot he preached. Not many relics can survive nearly 500 years of history, but one remains: his chair.”

– Tim Challies continues his series on the history of Christianity in 25 objects.

The Gospel Coalition National Conference 2013

John PiperAudio and video files from this year’s Gospel Coalition Conference are now available. The main talks –

Jesus the Son of God, the Son of Mary (Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-21) – John Piper
Jesus Despised (Luke 4:14-30) – Colin Smith
Jesus’ Transforming Power on Behalf of the Afflicted (Luke 8:26-56) – Crawford Loritts
Jesus’ Resolve to Head Toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:18-62) – Don Carson
Jesus and the Lost (Luke 15:1-32) – Kevin DeYoung
Jesus and Money (Luke 16:1-31) – Stephen Um
Panel Discussion: Did Jesus Preach the Gospel? – Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, Tim Keller, John Piper
Jesus Betrayed and Crucified (Luke 22:39-23:43) – Gary Millar
Jesus Vindicated (Luke 24:1-53) – Tim Keller

And many more talks and workshops here.

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