The Billy Graham of the 19th Century

Phillip Jensen“Dwight L. Moody was to the 19th century what Billy Graham was to the 20th century.

Both spent the better part of their life as itinerant evangelists, travelling the world preaching Christ and calling upon people to repent and put their trust in him.

There were differences between the two men and differences between the two centuries in which they preached, but it is unlikely that anybody preached Christ to more people in the last two centuries than these two men…”

Phillip Jensen gives some key background to the Men’s Collegiate Choir of the Moody Bible Institute, who are in Sydney this weekend.

Diocese of Tasmania Presidential Address 2013

Bishop John HarrowerBishop of Tasmania John Harrower’s 2013 Presidential address – delivered at the Diocesan Synod today – is now online (PDF file).

“In my 2012 address to Synod I mentioned the approaching “social tsunami” of issues that would be entering public debate. These issues – euthanasia, marriage redefinition and, unexpectedly, abortion, amongst others – speak to the nature of humanity, the characteristics of community, and the fundamental manner in which life is embraced, respected and affirmed in our society…”

The Indulgence Box

The Indulgence BoxIn his “History of Christianity in 25 objects”, Tim Challies uses an Indulgence Box to introduce readers to Martin Luther and his great discovery.

“It is a plain and unadorned box, notable only for a coin slot in the lid. Its significance is found far more in what it represents than it what it actually is. The pennies that slid through the slot and into the coffer represented a gospel of salvation by works, a gospel foreign to the Bible, a false gospel. Luther had recovered the great doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone, and there would be no place for indulgences and no place for meritorious good works.”

No Truth without Love, No Love without Truth: The Church’s great challenge

Albert Mohler“Our churches must teach the basics of biblical morality to Christians who will otherwise never know that the Bible prescribes a model for sexual relationships.”

– Albert Mohler writes to challenge the church to speak clearly on the presenting issue of today.

Church Society calls on House of Lords to put the brakes on Same Sex Marriage Bill

Church SocietyHere’s a Church Society Press Release, dated Wednesday 29th May 2013

Lee Gatiss, Director of Church Society, has written to the Lords Spiritual to express concern about the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill which will be debated in the House of Lords next week.

The debate may focus on the notions of ‘rights’ and ‘equality.’ As Christians, we support and should defend the legal equality (properly defined) of all those who experience same sex attraction, and recognise them as made in the image of God. What this Bill would actually achieve, however, is not a great advance for minority rights but a fundamentally-flawed redefinition of a basic institution for every single one of us.  Read more

Going Beyond the Cliches: Christian Reflections on Suffering and Evil

Dr. D A CarsonDr Don Carson spoke last month at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston.

“If we live long enough, we will suffer. Christians will therefore be wise if they prepare in advance for the suffering and evil they will face. This lecture does not so much attempt to ‘answer’ the problem of suffering and evil, as establish biblically faithful perspectives that enable us to think about such matters in a godly fashion, thereby forging frames of reference that strengthen us before evil days descend.”

From the Bishop of DNWA, June 2013

Bishop Gary Nelson DNWABishop of North West Australia, Gary Nelson, shares the latest from his diocese…


Over recent weeks I have been thinking about being thankful. A friend Peter sees thankfulness as one of the attitudes that can transform our lives. I’ve appreciated his reminder about thankfulness as an essential mark of being Christian. At times it’s easy to take people for granted, or just expect our situation to remain stable and fulfilling. But Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says:

… give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Don’t have to wonder about God’s will for us at this point! Christians should be leading the way in thankfulness.  Read more

Two new Faculty appointments for Moore College

New Faculty AppointmentsThe latest from Moore College:

“The Governing Board of the College has agreed to the Principal’s nomination of Peter Orr and Andrew Leslie, who will join the faculty over the next six months.”

– Read the story at the Moore College website.

Live to Give

Phillip Jensen“Where should we direct our giving?  Surrounded by so many needs and opportunities it’s difficult to know where to start. Is there any priority or principle by which to choose whom to give to?…”

– Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen continues from last week on the theme of giving. Read it here.

(Photo: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.)

Tasmanian Abortion Bill update 24 May

Bishop John HarrowerBishop of Tasmania John Harrower has the latest (What is the current status of the proposed changes? What is actually being proposed, as it currently stands? What can I do?) at his blog.

Tragedy in Scotland

Church of ScotlandTwo reflections on this week’s compromise vote in the Church of Scotland’s General Assembly spell out the sadness and tragedy of a denomination which walks away from the word of God –

Louis Kinsey, Church of Scotland minister in Aberdeen,

“For those who look on, it must seem that the Church of Scotland is simply not able to make judgements on the basis of Holy Scripture, but only by sentiment and story, and by expediency and pragmatism.”

An Open Letter to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 2013.

and David Robertson, Free Church minister in Dundee,

“The liberals who reject the Bible as the Word of God, are delighted, declaring that this is the Holy Spirit speaking through the Church. … But many of us who love the Church of Scotland are devastated. Why? Because yesterday, and it pains me as I write this, the Church of Scotland wrote its own suicide note.”

–  The Church of Scotland, RIP?

CMS Lasting Hope appeal

Archbishop Peter Jensen and Bishop Stuart RobinsonArchbishop Peter Jensen, and Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn, Stuart Robinson have each appeared in videos promoting the CMS NSW & ACT branch end-of-financial-year appeal. (Use them in church!)

Archbishop Jensen, Bishop Robinson.

St. Helen’s — Mark’s Gospel Tool Kit

St Helen's“Andrew Sach introduces tools to help understand Mark’s Gospel in this month’s St Helen’s Training.”

– See this month’s two videos from Andrew Sach, as well as earlier overviews of Mark’s Gospel by Charlie Skrine, at the St. Helen’s website.

Equality not the issue says Archbishop

Archbishop Peter JensenArchbishop Peter Jensen on former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s change of mind on ‘same-sex marriage’ –

“Equality is not the issue. The consummation of a marriage by a man and a woman is unique and cannot be replicated. The precious differences between men and women, likewise cannot be replicated in any other bond.”

Full story:

Archbishop Peter Jensen has publicly disagreed with former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who has done a turnaround and now says he supports same sex marriage.

Dr Jensen says Mr Rudd’s comments “do not grapple sufficiently with the question of what marriage is and what it is for”. Read more

Gay marriage Bill — Letter to The Telegraph

british-islesThis letter from church leaders across England, was published in The Telegraph yesterday (20th May 2013) –

The Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill is set to isolate hundreds of thousands of young students and workers across the country who hold a fuller view of marriage based on religion or a traditional view. These young people, from teenagers to 30-year-olds, will suffer discrimination and face new risks to their careers, and futures, if the Bill passes in its present form.  Read more

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