Have we forgotten about Prayer?

Gary Millar, Principal of Queensland Theological CollegeGary Millar, Principal of Queensland Theological College in Brisbane, makes a painful observation:

“…while it’s true that there has been a significant resurgence of biblical preaching, I’m not sure this trend has been accompanied by a resurgence in praying — and especially not prayer about preaching.

Gradually, we seem to be losing sight of the fact that God uses weak and sinful people, and that he uses them only by grace. …”

– at The Gospel Coalition.

(Gary is co-author of the new book on preaching, Saving Eutychus.)

The Pharisees in Luke’s Gospel

William TaylorAs part of the Preaching Matters video series from St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, William Taylor discusses applying the Pharisees when preaching through Luke. Great for preachers. Good for anyone who wants to think through how the Bible applies today.

See it here.

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