Dick Lucas — The race set before us (2)
Dick Lucas preached on Hebrews 12:1-3 last Sunday at St Helen’s Bishopsgate.
Most encouraging.
See or hear it at the St. Helen’s website.
Tasmanian Parliament urged to reject same-sex marriage legislation
“The Anglican Church in Tasmania has today urged Members of Parliament to reject the Premier’s proposed legislation to allow same-sex marriage in Tasmania.
The Church continues to hold the position that marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman, voluntarily entered into for life. …” – Media release from the Diocese of Tasmania.
On preaching and preachers
“This is an article about preaching that is meant to be read by non-preachers. … As someone who is rather new to the pulpit, I thought it might be helpful to tell you what some of the surprises have been as I’ve somehow transitioned to a person who preaches on a regular basis…”
– Tim Challies shares some thoughts about preaching. Perhaps you could use these to inform your prayers for preachers.
Sydney Anglicans VII: The value of theological education
Mark Thompson writes part seven of his series on Sydney Anglicans –
“It is hardly an exaggeration to say that you will not understand the Diocese of Sydney unless you’ve understood its theological college…”
Read it all here –
Without a doubt the single most important resource God has given to the diocese of Sydney is Moore Theological College. Opening in 1856, thanks to a marvellously generous bequest by Thomas Moore, an early settler in Sydney, it has provided theological education for the vast bulk of Sydney’s clergy over the last one hundred and fifty-six years. Read more
Devote Yourselves to Prayer
Encouragement from Gary Nelson, Bishop of North West Australia:
“There’s no escaping the emphasis on prayer that comes to us from the Scriptures – whether we look to the example of the apostles, or the response of the Pentecost converts, or Jesus’ clear teaching on prayer. We’re called to pray!
So what a joy it is to share with you in this key ministry. Here in the North West we could not survive without prayer and the encouragement we receive from the army of pray-ers across our nation. Please keep praying.”
– Read his letter here. (And please remember the people of the North West in your prayers.)
The Spiritual Athlete – the race set before us
Dick Lucas preached this edifying sermon on 2 Timothy 4:1-8 on Sunday morning at St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.
Sydney Anglicans VI: An evangelical episcopate
In part six of his series on Sydney Anglicans, Mark Thompson looks at the evangelical commitment of the episcopate –
“So when we in Sydney do want to understand and explain what a bishop should be — what an evangelical Anglican bishop should be – where do we go?”
Read it all here –
The diocese of Sydney has been extraordinarily blessed with faithful leaders throughout its history. Many of these have been ordained; many of them have not. The eleven Archbishops (at first merely ‘Bishops’) of Sydney have included some of the most effective evangelical leaders in global Anglicanism. With very few exceptions, the Archbishops and Bishops of Sydney have been determinedly evangelical, theologically motivated and personally engaged in evangelistic mission. We have had much for which to give God thanks. Read more
Bishop of Riverina to retire
“The Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Riverina, Doug Stevens, has announced his intention to retire from his present role on Sunday, November 11. …
‘Having recently turned 60, I feel that it is time to respond to what I perceive as God’s leading to return to parish ministry…”
– from page 3 of Anglican News – The Newspaper of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, August 2012. PDF file.
Themelios 37.2
The latest issue of Themelios (issue 37.2) is now available as a free download from The Gospel Coalition.
It includes articles by Don Carson and Mike Ovey, and many book reviews (a review of Paul Barnett’s The Corinthian Question: Why Did the Church Oppose Paul? is among them.)