Make the most of Easter 2010

It may be 2010, but many Sydney churches are continuing Connect09 as Connect for Life.

Whatever you call it, there are still plenty of resources to help churches share the gospel.

Christine Semple in the Connect for Life office has some suggestions. (Click the image at left to get the new logo.)

The Homegoing of OT Scholar D.J. Wiseman

Old Testament scholar D.J. Wiseman has died – and Professor Alan Millard at the University of Liverpool has written this tribute.

via Phillip Marshall at Biblical Languages (h/t Kevin Murray).

Reform highlights ‘huge practical problems’ with women bishops

Press release from Reform, 08 February 2010:

The Church of England’s present plans for legislation on women bishops show that “nothing is being done to head off the huge practical problems” that will result said Reform Chairman, the Rev Rod Thomas, today. Speaking on the day that the Bishop of Manchester was reporting on the issue to the General Synod, Mr Thomas said that the biggest problem would be a “drastic cut” in the Church of England’s future intake of young ordinands.  Read more

Dick Lucas on Preaching

In November 2006, Dick Lucas gave the third annual Charles Simeon Sermons on preaching at Taylor University in Indiana.

As always, Dick Lucas’ sermons are encouraging and challenging – especially for those with the enormous privilege and weighty responsibility of preaching.

Here are direct links to the mp3 files –

1. The School of Christ
2. Truth Worth Knowing
3. Through a Glass Darkly
4. That People May Know
5. God’s Knowledge of Us!

Video of some of the talks is also available on the Chapel archive page.

ECLA Presiding Bishop and Archbishop of Canterbury discuss common issues

“Rev Mark S. Hanson [Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America] met with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams for a private hour-long meeting … at Lambeth Palace in London.

Hanson said the two leaders discussed strengthening Anglican-Lutheran relationships, challenges each leader faces within his own communions…

Hanson told the ELCA News Service … ‘We talked not only about how this time of ‘reception’ can strengthen the ministries and mission we share, but provide new opportunities for us to be engaged in ways we haven’t even imagined…’ ”

– Story and photo from the ELCA News Service.

Related: Lutherans adopt statement on sexuality.
Continue the ‘conversation’ and keep giving your money.
Wearing the disguise of Faithfulness.

Why Theology?

Here’s a two minute video that could be used in church. It was created as part of a short film competition related to John Harris’ new book Dug Down Deep.

See the other film entries at

Pastor welcomes Hell Pizza

This story from a Rockhampton newspaper last month is a simple example of how to steer people away from controversy and towards the Lord Jesus.

Story via St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Rockhampton.

(Great to see they are also using The Essential Jesus.)

Taking Sovereignty Seriously

Mark Thompson recommends John Woodhouse’s article in the issue of Southern Cross to be distributed in churches from this Sunday … He quotes John as writing —

“I am astonished at how glibly we sometimes speak of gospel work — as though leadership skills, ministry strategies or entrepreneurial flair is what is needed to make the gospel effective. Leadership is not what makes the blind see. Strategies do not make the deaf hear. Entrepreneurs do not make the dead walk!

It is God who calls out his elect, chosen by him before the foundation of the world. They could not have saved themselves and nor could we have saved them no matter how clever we are. And he hardens the heart of others in their chosen state of lostness.”

Find the article on pages 18 and 19 (‘Serving a Sovereign God’) of the February 2010 Southern Cross.

Resources from around Australia

It’s exciting to see helpful new resources being produced for Anglicans around Australia. Here are some you may wish to check out –

1.) For kids – from the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn

Lessons for Children during Lent by Jane Robinson.

“a series of six very simple lessons for children during Lent…”

2.) For adults – from the Diocese of Tasmania

Lectionary-based study outlines – Growing Disciples of Jesus.

“designed for use in home or church-based study groups, and to be a helpful resource for preachers as well.”

3.) For adults – from the Diocese of North West Australia.

World-Changing Sermons – from the Book of Acts. Lenten studies by Bishop David Mulready, available from Anglican Youthworks Sydney.

“For each of the six weeks leading up to Easter … explores a world-changing sermon from the book of Acts.”

(Check out the song ‘The Mission of God’ at the above link.)

Christianity Explored

Kevin DeYoung at the Gospel Coalition is enthusiastic about Christianity Explored.

‘But I saw it on TV’

Here’s a disturbing report on how the mainstream US media reported a large anti-abortion demonstration in Washington two weeks ago.

From LifeSiteNews. (h/t Anglican Mainstream.)

Sovereign Grace music sale

Sovereign Grace music and books are at reduced prices during February. Of particular interest to Australian readers will be the mp3 album downloads.

Details at Bob Kauflin’s Worship Mattters.

Packer on The Fall

“It may fairly be claimed that the Fall narrative gives the only convincing explanation of the perversity of human nature that the world has ever seen.”

This excerpt from J I Packer’s Concise Theology is a good reminder of what’s wrong with the world and why all need to hear of Christ.

Desiring God Conference for Pastors 2010

The Desiring God Conference for Pastors is currently taking place in Minnesota and as talks are given, audio and video is being made available online.

Here’s John Piper’s invitation to the conference, and the notes on the pre-conference seminar by Paul Tripp are challenging and well worth reading (1, 2).

‘My voice is like a useless cry in the wilderness’

Archbishop of Egypt, Dr Mouneer H. Anis, has resigned from the ‘Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion’ and has given his reasons –

“After much prayer and consideration, I hereby submit my resignation from the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion (SCAC). I have come to realize that my presence in the current SCAC has no value whatsoever and my voice is like a useless cry in the wilderness…”

Read his letter. (h/t Stand Firm.)

– and also this reaction from Dr Stephen Noll

“The letter from Bp. Mouneer Anis is a bombshell in the midst of the Covenant process…”

Update: Response from the Archbishop of CanterburyPhoto: ENS.

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