Anglican losses in global finanical crisis

Diocese of Sydney crestThe ABC reports on the financial losses affecting Sydney Diocese’s investments – on ABC Radio’s AM programme.

Also Archbishop Peter Jensen has sent this letter to ministers and Russell Powell writes about the implications – at

Events associated with the launch of FCA

Be Faithful!Anglican Mainstream has posted a list of events in churches in and around London on Sunday July 5th in association with Be Faithful!, the launch of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans in UK and Ireland.

A number of visiting Anglican leaders will be in London and are speaking at events at these churches –

9:30 a.m.      St Peter’s Bushey Heath  Bishop Michael Nazir Ali (Rochester)
10:30 a.m.    St Michael’s Chester Square.    TBA
6:00 p.m.     St Mark’s Battersea Rise. Archbishop Peter Jensen (Sydney)
6:30 p.m.     St Mary’s Lewisham,  Bishop Keith Ackerman (USA)
6:30 p.m      All Saints Woodford Wells,  Canon Vinay Samuel (India)
6:30 p.m.     Christ Church Virginia Water TBA
6:30 p.m.     St Peter’s Harold Wood  Bishop Colin Bazley (former Primate of the Southern Cone)
8:00 p.m.     St Nicholas Sevenoaks.  TBA

There were some Anglican Puritans also

Crossway“I think that it is important to appreciate the continuity between Puritanism and Evangelicalism. 18th Century Evangelicals were spiritually strengthened and influenced by the Puritan literature which they read. With the term ‘Evangelical’ being so broadened today to include many who are neither ‘Reformed’ nor ‘Puritan,’ those of us who want to remain faithful to the teaching and practice of Scripture, should regard ourselves as ‘Reformed’ and ‘Puritan.’…”

– David Hilton writes in Cross†Way, Spring 2009 (PDF – direct link), asking who are the heirs of the Puritans.

How Tim Keller found Manhattan

Tim Keller“Standing 6’4″, with a bald head, glasses, and a coat and tie, Keller, 58, does not look hip. Nor is his sermon funny, charming, or daring. He preaches from the first chapter of Genesis, on the doctrine of Creation.

Keller speaks like a college professor, absorbed in his content, of which there is a lot…”

Christianity Today story. (h/t Justin Taylor.)

ANiC parishes court case opening statement

ANiC opening statementThe Opening Statement by the ANiC parishes’ legal counsel is now available on the ANiC website – PDF file (direct link).

Building Healthy Churches

Toronto Pastors ConferenceThe audio files from the just-concluded Toronto Pastors Fellowship conference are now available. The theme?’Building Healthy Churches’.

Mark Dever and Matt Schmucker were the main speakers. (h/t Tim Challies.)

New Westminster — New Gospel; the ANiC trial

Charles Raven“So for the future, the very clear lesson emerging from this case is that moratoria and incremental negotiation over covenant clauses are futile strategies. The revisionist aim is not, initially, to exclude orthodox ministry, but to neutralise it through defining the church institutionally. …”

– Charles Raven writes at SPREAD.

ANiC parishes court case continues

ANiCThe court case in Vancouver continues. The Anglican Network in Canada has posted its latest summaries – as well as reports from the Diocese of New Westminster – on their website.

Latest reports are about Day 6, Tuesday June 2 and Day 7, Wednesday June 3, 2009.

Tribute to Geoffrey Bingham

Geoff BinghamAt, John Sandeman has a tribute to the Rev Geoffrey Bingham – who fell asleep in Christ at the age of 90 in Adelaide on Wednesday.

To some, Geoffrey Bingham’s name might not be well known. Read the tribute to learn why it should be and give thanks for Christ’s work through him.

TEC Presiding Bishop: from whence did the office come?

Katharine Jefferts SchoriChristian lawyer A S Haley, who blogs at Anglican Curmudgeon, has done some research on how the office of Presiding Bishop evolved to where it is now. His article is entitled “Know the Enemy”: the Office of the Presiding Bishop and was posted in November 2008.

Last week, he followed up with comments on the huge increase in litigation and in the deposition of ministers.

“What may be surprising to some is that the Presiding Bishop is doing nothing more, and nothing less, than she said she would do if the House of Bishops chose her for that office.”

(h/t Stand Firm. Photo: Episcopal Life Online.)

More than you could read in a month of Sundays

Don CarsonDon Carson is well-known and loved as a clear and insightful teacher of God’s word. He is also an amazingly prolific author.

Andy Naselli, his full-time research assistant, has just made available a comprehensive list of Don Carson’s publications – and also links to free PDF files of several books, including Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor.

Read about this wonderful resource here. (h/t Justin Taylor.)

Little Evils, Little Sins

Pacific Campaign“The Pacific Campaign of the Second World War has always fascinated me. In many ways, it seemed like a nonsensical series of battles between the United States and Japan…

There are many lessons we can learn from the Pacific Campaign. Some apply to warfare, but others apply far beyond. One of the most important is this: little things lead to big things. This is as true in warfare as it is in the hearts of men and women.”

Tim Challies writes helpfully on declaring war on sin.

‘The ACNA Constitution — An Evangelical View’

Bishop John Rodgers“I am aware that there are several concerns articulated by various individuals concerning the Proposed Constitution and most particularly by Evangelicals concerning language about the Historic Episcopate being integral or inherent to the nature of the Church. We note it is not the fact of the Historic Episcopate that is the concern.

Anglican Evangelicals have always treasured the Historic Episcopate and delighted in it when it is exercised in faithfulness to the Gospel. I would like to suggest three reasons why, at this last minute, such concerns should not cause any of us to hesitate to support the constitution as it has emerged. …”

– Bishop John Rodgers writes to address concerns over the proposed Constitution of the Anglican Church in North America. (Photo: Trinity School for Ministry.)

ANiC Parishes v New Westminster – Day 5

Bishop Michael InghamBishop Ingham began giving his evidence in the afternoon…

When asked to define “orthodoxy”, he said “I am greatly persuaded by Archbishop Rowan Williams” saying “he describes (it) as the conversation of the Church… broad and not narrow… and includes many streams of thought.”

– from the ANiC’s report on Monday’s day in court.

Perplexed about Apocalyptic?

Simeon TrustThe Simeon Trust’s workshop on preaching last month addressed the question of preaching on Apocalyptic literature. Participants included David Helm and Don Carson. Links to the audio and related resources have been posted by Justin Taylor.

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