‘Cult’s teachings deemed heretical’

Presbyterian Church of Australia logo“The Presbyterian Church of Australia has declared heretical six principal teachings of a cult inside a Melbourne Presbyterian church, and ordered that the church’s findings against the cult be read at every Presbyterian congregation in Australia.

The declaration, to be released today, vindicates the church in its decade-long battle to expel the cult…”

– Story by Barney Zwartz in The Age.

Desiring God Conference files online

John Piper - Desiring God 2008 ConferenceThe 2008 Desiring God Conference was held in Minneapolis over the weekend. Sinclair Ferguson, Bob Kauflin, Mark Driscoll and John Piper and others spoke.

Following their normal practice, the people at Desiring God have generously made the transcripts, audio and video files of the conference available.

John Piper’s talk on Is There Christian Eloquence? Clear Words and the Wonder of the Cross is particularly helpful –

“There is a way to speak the gospel—a way of eloquence or cleverness or human wisdom—that nullifies the cross. I dread nullifying the cross, and therefore it is urgent that I know what this eloquence-cleverness-wisdom of words is, so I can avoid it.”

See all the files at Desiring God. (Note that each video file is approx. 200MB.)

Another church votes to join ANiC

Anglican Network in CanadaSt. Aidan’s Anglican Church in Windsor, Ontario, Joins the Anglican Network in Canada.

“At a special vestry meeting held earlier today, St Aidan’s became the 19th ANiC parish and the 11th former Anglican Church of Canada parish to vote to join ANiC this year. The vote was:

– from the St. Aidan’s website. The ANiC has issued this press release.

The Problem of Heresy

Bishop James PikeNext weekend the Diocese of Pittsburgh holds its special diocesan convention to consider separating from The Episcopal Church. The Rev. Christopher Klukas, Rector of a church in that diocese, has written a helpful analysis of what happens when heresy in a denomination is not challenged.

“But how did we get to this point?  How did the Church become so corrupt?  … The roots of our present problems go as far back as 150 – 200 years. The situation didn’t become acute, however, until the 1960s. It was at this time that Bishop James Pike published a book called ‘A Time for Christian Candor.’ In this work he openly denied such basic doctrines as the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Virgin birth.”

Download the PDF document here, courtesy of Chris Klukas. (Photo of Bishop James Pike: Grace Cathedral, San Francisco.)

Pittsburgh bishop will not appeal deposition

Bishop Bob DuncanThe Bishop of Pittsburgh, the Rt Rev Robert Duncan has said he will not appeal against the ruling, as bishops worldwide condemned the Episcopal Church of the manner of his deposition.

He said: “I’m very sad, sad for the Episcopal Church. In 15 days the diocese will determine whether it too wants to be part of the Southern Cone and figure out whether it wants me back as bishop. That is up to the diocese, although I have a sneaking suspicion they will want me back.” …

– Report from Religious Intelligence. (As of today, the vote is seven days away – starting on Saturday 4th October.)

Archbishop Orombi pledges support for Bishop Bob Duncan

Archbishop Henry Luke OrombiDear Bishop Duncan,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the name above all names, and the One who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I have very intentionally addressed this letter to you as Bishop Duncan, for, indeed, you are a Bishop. …

– Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi, Primate of Uganda, writes to support Bishop Bob Duncan. Full text at the American Anglican Council.
(Photo: Joy Gwaltney.)

Synod Survival Guide now online

The ACL’s Synod Survival GuideMany members of Sydney Synod have expressed their appreciation for the previous editions of Robert Tong’s The Synod Survival Guide.

Published by the ACL as a service to members of Synod, the Guide is a clear and helpful introduction to what goes on at Synod and is highly recommended for new members of Synod.

Now in its 4th edition, it is available now as a free PDF download.

As well, Synod members can request a free printed copy – and we’ll mail it as soon as we get it back from the printers. And copies will also be available at the ACL Synod Dinner (PDF invitation).

Go to our Synod Survival Guide section for details.

ACL Synod Dinner bookings now open

ACL Synod DinnerThe 2008 ACL Synod Dinner is set for Monday 13th October – in the Chapter House of St. Andrew’s Cathedral.

The dinner is open to all Synod members, all ACL members, and others who would like to hear about ‘GAFCON – the inside story’. Allison Street and Bishop Glenn Davies – members of the Sydney team at GAFCON – will be sharing on what really happened at this crucial Anglican meeting.

Tickets only $15 each. Pay at the door, but bookings essential.

Download your invitation for details on how to reply – a 265kb PDF file.

Another church departs TEC

St. John’s, New Braunfels, West TexasMore than 300 members, 90% of the congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church in New Braunfels, have left The Episcopal Church citing the church’s failure to uphold the authority of Holy Scripture – and recent sexual innovations including the consecration of an openly homosexual priest to the episcopacy.…

– Full report from VirtueOnline. (Photo: St. John’s church.)

Carson on works of mercy

Don CarsonIn many parts of the evangelical world, one hears a new debate—or, more precisely, new chapters in an old debate—regarding the precise place that ‘deeds of mercy’ ought to have in Christian witness. … the debate between those Christians who say that we should primarily be about the business of heralding the gospel and planting churches, and those who say that our responsibility as Christians extends to the relief of oppression, suffering, and poverty in all their forms. …

– In the light of the TEC/CofE focus on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, Don Carson’s editorial in the current issue of Themelios is especially worth reading. (hat tip Justin Taylor.)

Bishop Nazir-Ali on Duncan and TEC

Bishop Michael Nazir-AliBishop Michael Nazir-Ali on Bishop Bob Duncan and TEC –

“The first thing is to express huge admiration for Bishop Bob, because for so many years he has borne the brunt of the anger of those who want to make changes in The Episcopal Church. He has stayed loyally within that Church.

I have quite often watched him in the American house of bishops or general convention, taking flak. So given all of that, I am very sad and very shocked that he’s been treated in this way.

Quite a few American bishops had come to Lambeth, knowing that nothing would change afterwards. I do not think we can take seriously what they agreed at Lambeth. This is of a piece with other meetings where they have been present, have agreed things and where nothing has happened afterwards.

This does show that a structural solution is needed for the orthodox in the American church. There must be immediate relief. No talk about panels doing things in the future. We need, they need more importantly, immediate relief from this kind of action taken against them.”

– from an article by Ruth Gledhill at TimesOnline. (Photo: Joy Gwaltney)

UN Media Advisory

Walk of Witness, Lambeth 2008From the Anglican Communion Office, London

“Date of Event: September 25, 2008
St John the Divine Cathedral, Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street, New York USA

Anglican Act of Witness in support of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals

Senior Anglican Officials to be present in New York
Archbishop of York, John Sentamu to preach in Cathedral service
Presiding Bishop and Primate Katharine Jefferts Schori to officiate at the service

This act of witness follows on the successful show of witness in London in July during the Anglican Communion Lambeth Conference when some 700 marched in witness from Parliament to Lambeth Palace, home of the Archbishop of Canterbury…”

– Media release from the Anglican Communion Office. (But, for perspective, see this.) Photo: Tumilty/ACNS.

Barry Webb on Esther and the ESV

Barry WebbGordon Cheng has interviewed Moore College’s Dr Barry Webb on the book of Esther. Barry wrote the notes on Esther for the forthcoming ESV Study Bible.

“Would I try to preach bit by bit? I doubt it. Stories mean what they do as a whole, not as parts. Once you dismantle the story, you dismantle the thing that gives meaning to the events. I might just preach one sermon on the whole of Esther, and it would be about God being present for his people, working all things to their good.”

– Read the full interview at The Sola Panel.
And the sample PDF file from the ESVSB is available as a free download.

Attacks on Christians and Churches in Orissa and Karnataka

Damaged church in India“Christians are also accused of creating fear among non-Christians to convert them to Christianity i.e. with threats such as you will not go to heaven if you do not follow Christ. It is a big theological challenge how to be Christians without such theological claims. When one of the churches was attacked during the worship services, some of the attackers specifically told the priest not to preach Christ as the only way; he should preach about other ways too. It is clear that underlying many of these criticisms of Christians is the desire to unite Hindus emotionally and turn their anger into votes.…”

– Some background on recent attacks in India – via the Anglican Communion News Service. (Photo: ACNS.)

Sydney supports Bishop Duncan

Bishop Bob DuncanThe standing committee of the Diocese of Sydney has expressed its strong support for Bishop Robert Duncan of the American diocese of Pittsburgh, saying it is ‘deeply distressed’ that he has been deposed by the Episcopal Church.

Bishop Duncan, who has been negotiating to withdraw his diocese from the Episcopal Church because of revisionist teaching, was the subject of a deposition vote by the US House of Bishops and with 15 bishops missing, including Texans because of Hurricane Ike, the vote passed 88 to 35.   Read more

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