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Press Release from the Diocese of Recife, BrazilPosted Friday 22 October 2004

Brazil: Liberals ask for Ecclesiastical Trial for Anglican Evangelical Bishop

bishop CavalcantiThe evangelical Brazilian bishop Robinson Cavalcanti, known for his strong position in defense of the Scriptures’ authority and his fight against legitimisation of homosexual practice and the ordination of practicing homosexuals, from the Diocese of Recife, has a disciplinary process open in the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil, under the pressure of the liberal lobby.

The bishop from Sao Paulo, Hiroshi Ito, in Curitiba, Naudal Gomes, plus two clergyman and two layman signed the petition to Brazil’s Primate Orlando Oliveira, denouncing bishop Cavalcanti of “breaking of ordination vows”.

The Bishop of Recife is accused of “intolerance”, “insubmission” and “breaking of Collegiality”, and of Canonical violation for performing a Confirmation Rite in Ohio, USA, without the local bishop’s authorization.

Accepting the petition, the Primate of Brazil will appoint an “Investigative Commission” and, if the case, listen to the Provincial Attorney. The majority of the clergy of the Diocese of Recife have expressed solidarity and support to their bishop, seen as victim of an unjust Trial, by political motivations.

Bishop Robinson Cavalcanti considers himself innocent. “I am not the first bishop to suffer for defending sound doctrine in Church History”. Bishop Cavalcanti’s Trial must be understood as part of the struggling that divides orthodoxies and liberals in the Anglican Communion.

Rev Estevao Menezes
General Secretary
Diocese of Recife.

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