Anglican Church League Archive October 2003 – January 2004

Friday, 30 January 2004
Survey shows Uniting Church leadership badly out of step with its members

The Reforming Alliance within the Uniting Church in Australia has just released the results of a survey of over 27,000 Uniting Church attenders conducted in late 2003.

“Ministers and church secretaries in the Uniting Church (UC) were sent a survey pack that included a questionnaire and this was completed by 27014 members and adherents from 1459 congregations. This represents nearly one quarter of adult UC attenders spread over 58% of congregations.

The results to the three primary questions were as follows:

1. Should a commitment to celibacy in singleness and faithfulness in marriage be a requirement for those exercising leadership in the UC?

Yes 88.6%, no 6.3%, undecided 3.8%, no answer 1.3%.

2. Should people living in a same gender sexual relationship be ordained in the UC?

Yes 6.5%, no 88.8%, undecided 4.0%, no answer 0.7%.

3. Is the ordination of people living in a same gender sexual relationship an issue on which members of the UC should be directly consulted?

Yes 87.6%, no 7.7%, undecided 3.5%, no answer 1.2%. ”

(emphasis added.)

Gives timely insight into how liberals can take over a denomination – see the full report (12 page pdf) here.

Wednesday, 28 January 2004
“Good Grief” - article on reactions to the Robinson Consecration - by Peter Moore

“And so I wept, alone in my room, on my knees, with my bags packed. I am not given to outward displays of emotion, but in the privacy of my room, I realized that something precious had been lost and would never be regained.

I have since discovered that I am not alone. A general grief has come over the Church. Even those who supported the election of V. Gene Robinson as bishop coadjutor in New Hampshire now realize that they have opened a Pandora’s Box of problems.”

Read the full article on Titusonenine.

Tuesday, 28 January 2004
Why our churches need a radical change in mindset when it comes to the nature of Christian ministry.

In case you missed it in the December issue of Southern Cross, check out this helpful article by Phillip Jensen, Dean of Sydney.

Monday, 26 January 2004
Sydney Anglicans receive Australia Day honours

Among Sydney Anglicans receiving Australia Day Honours are -

The Rev Howard Dillon - Member (AM) of the Order of Australia. “For service to the community through Anglican Church welfare services related to establishing chaplaincies, nursing homes, counselling and assistance for migrants and refugees.”

The Rev Alan Patrick - OAM (Medal of the Order of Autralia) “For service to youth, particularly through Mission Australia, and to Anglican education.”

Broadcaster Roger Climpson -OAM “For service to the media, particularly through the Christian Broadcasting Association, and to the community through a range of service groups.”

Friday, 23 January 2004
One Faith: Charting the Evangelical Consensus – New book

Evangelical scholars J.I. Packer and Thomas C. Oden have written a new book on contemporary Evangelicalism - published by InterVarsity Press and due out in May. Read this review by David Neff in Christianity Today.

Friday, 23 January 2004
Bishop David Mulready recovering from heart attack

David Mulready: photo Colin Mackellar“Bishop David Mulready, the bishop-designate of North West Australia suffered a heart attack in Perth this week. He is now home from hospital, and feeling much better. His installation, which is scheduled for 1st February will go ahead as planned, with Bishop Mulready as the preacher.

David and his wife Maureen value the continuing prayers of their friends as they take up this exciting and challenging role ministering to this large and scattered diocese.”

- with thanks to Anglican Media Sydney for the text.

Friday, 23 January 2004
New link on Links page: Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry

TESMCheck out the very helpful website of
Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry
in Ambridge, Pennsylvania.

To get an idea of their stance on the crisis in ECUSA, see this page which lists resources to help Christians make a Biblical response. (Lots of other good resources too.)

Wednesday, 21 January 2004
US: Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes officially launched

The Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes was officially launched today at the Network’s Organizing Convocation at Christ Church, Plano, Texas.”

Details here.

Wednesday, 21 January 2004
Canada: The latest from St. Martin’s North Vancouver

It has been reported that St. Martin’s North Vancouver has withdrawn from the Anglican Communion in New Westminster and come back under the authority of Bishop Michael Ingham. But here’s another view on the latest events –

“The decision to withdraw from the ACiNW and begin repaying assessments was made exclusively by a small handful of leaders installed by the diocese without consulting the congregation. The decision shocked many members of St. Martin’s who wish to remain within the coalition but feel they've lost control of their church.”

Read the latest from the St. Martin’s website - including these letters to the editor of the Vancouver Sun.

Wednesday, 21 January 2004
Be Fair to the Liberals: How Worldview Affects Communion

The integrity of liberalism means that while orthodox Christians may respect some liberals more than they have before, they ought also to be divided from them far more deeply. Or rather, they ought to recognize the division their difference in principles creates. Liberal churchmen are not cheaters who may be publicly shamed and then ignored till they repent, as one ignores ill-mannered children, but soldiers in an opposing army ordered to take the ground we’ve been given and ordered to defend.

Read this thought-provoking article by David Mills of the Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania .

Monday, 19 January 2004
David Virtue’s Viewpoints

Over the years the revisionists went from a minority to a majority and they are using their power now to ruthlessly extirpate the orthodox while making sure that in the process the orthodox go on paying the bills for their liberal agenda even as they are being pushed out the door. (Please leave your buildings, the key and endowment at the front door as you leave).”

Read David Virtue’s latest roundup of happenings within ECUSA and the Anglican Communion.

Saturday, 17 January 2004
Heresy in the Cathedral
a ‘Must Read’ article on the Bishop of Washington’s Christmas sermon in Washington Cathedral

The bishop further insisted, “as such we are called to acknowledge that as Christians, Jews, and Muslims we share a common God and the same divine messenger. And that as children of the same God, we are now called to cooperatively work together to make the world a haven for harmony, peace, equality, and justice for the greatest and least among us.”

Friday, 16 January 2004
US traditionalists rocked over resignation

“Traditionalist unity in the United States was dealt a sharp blow last week as one of the largest parishes in the diocese of South Carolina voted to leave the Episcopal Church for the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA). All Saints Episcopal Church of Pawleys Island, voted on Jan 8 to sever its remaining ties with the Episcopal Church and amend its charter to delete references to the denomination and the Diocese of South Carolina.”

Wednesday, 14 January 2004
ECUSA mapNew map of ECUSA shows stance on Gay Consecration

David Virtue has posted a map produced by one of his subscribers of the Episcopal Church of the USA (ECUSA) - colour coded to give an indication of the way the bishop of each diocese voted on the consecration of Gene Robinson.

While the voting patterns can be interpreted variously, it’s an interesting map.

Tuesday, 13 January 2004
Bishop of the Province of the Southern Cone writes concerning ECUSA

It is our hope and earnest prayer that ECUSA will come to its senses, repent and turn back from its schismatic actions; but without renouncing their present position there is little hope of it. As a Province we believe institutional unity is meaningless unless it is based in the truth of the Holy Scriptures.”

Tuesday, 13 January 2004
Catholic lawyers urged to fight gay ‘marriage’

“Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley [of Boston] yesterday urged Catholic lawyers to oppose same-sex "marriage," saying the institution of marriage and the family are under assault and lawyers need to help protect them.”

Friday, 02 January 2004
New Year, new network

“THE PROCESS of Anglican realignment in the United States will move forward on 19 January with the official launch of the Network of Confessing Dioceses and Parishes in the Episcopal Church.
The new network, formed in the wake of the consecration of the Rt Revd Gene Robinson in November, promises to ‘uphold and propagate the historic faith and order’.”

Wednesday, 31 December 2003
Anglican Mainstream delivers petition to Lambeth Palace

“A team from Anglican Mainstream, on behalf of over 13 million supporters across the Anglican Communion, delivered an electronic copy of the online petition in support of the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes to Lambeth Palace.”

Full story here.

Sign the petition here. (image: Anglican Mainstream)

Wednesday, 31 December 2003
Holiday Reading:
Breaking The Da Vinci Code
So the divine Jesus and infallible Word emerged out of a fourth-century power-play? Get real.

Perhaps you've heard of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. This fictional thriller has captured the coveted number one sales ranking at, camped out for 32 weeks on the New York Times Best-Seller List, and inspired a one-hour ABC News special. Along the way, it has sparked debates about the legitimacy of Western and Christian history.”

Read this helpful article from Christian History. (Published by Christianity Today.)

Wednesday, 31 December 2003
For gays and lesbians, a year of remarkable gains

Mikheal Meece and Rebecca McTall-Meece believe a piece of paper could improve their lives greatly.
The paper is a marriage license. A year ago, a gay couple getting one seemed as likely as a mainstream Protestant denomination consecrating an openly gay bishop.
That was 2002.”

Monday, 29 December 2003
Tom Wright: It’s not a question of left and right, says the combative priest who opposes the war in Iraq and gay bishops

Our culture screams that sex is for enjoyment, for recreation. But sex is like fire. It brings warmth and life to a relationship. Yet we light our fire only in the fireplace; if we lit it wherever the room was chilly we'd burn the house down. If we don't keep sex in its proper place perhaps we shouldn't be surprised when it backfires on us.”

Monday, 22 December 2003
Archbishop Peter Jensen’s Christmas Message

Archbishop Peter Jensen“I suppose if we were writing the script for the visit of God to earth, we would literally turn it into an epic. Sovereigns and great political leaders who land on Australian shores are surrounded by so much pomp and circumstance; imagine how we would think of the coming of the King of the Universe! And we would not be that far wrong: his second coming really will be glorious. But not his first coming.

Read the full text on Anglican Media Sydney.

* Idea * - You may want to print the message in full in your church news-sheet - or to give to friends. We’ve formatted it to print as a double-sided A4 in PDF format (250kb download).

Sunday, 21 December 2003
“The Schism Begins
Fallout from the gay Episcopal bishop: warring parishes, legal challenges, and angry threats.”

“And so it appears that the predicted church schism resulting from Robinson's consecration is underway, and has a name: The Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes.

The Network has the support of 13 Episcopal dioceses with an estimated combined membership of more than 200,000: Albany; Pittsburgh; San Joaquin in California; South Carolina; Florida, Central Florida, and Southwest Florida; Dallas and Fort Worth; Quincy and Springfield in Illinois; Western Kansas; and Rio Grande, which includes parts of Texas and New Mexico

Network officials predict the dispute will eventually split ECUSA's 2.5 million-membership in half.”

Thursday, 18 December 2003
American Anglican Council announces details of Charter Meeting of New Episcopal Network of Anglican Dioceses and Parishes

While many have left the Episcopal Church of the USA, others are vowing to stay and to fight for reform. Read this press release on the development of new support networks for the biblically orthodox within ECUSA.

“The Network of Anglican Dioceses and Parishes is a crucial component of Anglican realignment in North America,” said the Rev. Canon David C. Anderson, President and CEO.
It will serve as a lifeboat for orthodox dioceses and parishes who feel abandoned and betrayed by ECUSA as well as for those faithful Episcopalians enduring harassment and intimidation by their rectors, bishops, or both.”

Friday, 12 December 2003
“Losing the Plot:
John Richardson asks what the Spirit is saying to the Churches”

John RichardsonRead another excellent article - this one by John Richardson - on how we hear the voice of God. Vital reading on the issues behind the current debate on Gene Robinson and homosexuality in the church.

“The underlying issue in all this is, of course, how the Spirit comes to us. And here, Gene Robinson’s own words are worth pondering. In the Boston Globe of the 24th October 2003, for example, he is quoted thus:
‘It’s tough knowing what God wants, and I work with a spiritual director to determine whether it’s God’s voice I’m hearing or my own ego doing a fantastic interpretation of God’s voice … But one thing that helps me to believe this is God’s voice is I’m not sure anybody would choose this for the fun of it.’
This seems to be a typical expression of Robinson’s belief that he is hearing God’s voice. We may note that he is aware of the possibility of self-deception, yet he is equally clear that he is not deceived. God’s voice, and not his own, is what he is hearing.”

Monday, 8 December 2003
Ashley Null: Understanding the Contemporary Episcopal Church

Read this excellent article on how the Episcopal Church of the USA came to where it is today. This article will repay careful reading - and is a timely warning.
“Like a perfect storm, all these factors have coalesced in the recent consecration of Canon Robinson. The legislative leadership of the Episcopal Church, including a majority of the House of Bishops, believes that they have been called and, therefore, inspired by the Holy Spirit to establish the guidelines by which the Bible is to be interpreted. And in keeping with their commitment to religious truth as an experience of the inherent oneness of all things, they have selected those biblical texts which talk about the inclusion of outcasts as the true definition of the Gospel of Christ. All other parts of Scripture are either interpreted so as to support this explanation of Christianity or rejected as no longer being applicable in our day.”

A scholarly version of an article by Ashley Null appearing in The Briefing. See this full article on Titusonenine - search for “Null” to find the article - half way down the page.

Monday, 8 December 2003
Primate of Central Africa Slams ECUSA Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold

Rarely do we see such plain language as in this letter from Archbishop Bernard Amos Malango of Central Africa! The letter was sent shortly after the Robinson consecration in November and has now been released.

“The false ‘gospel’ you are promoting by your actions is not saving anyone, but it is an illusion. Calling ‘sin’ ‘righteousness’does not make it so. It is leading people away form Christ. I can think of no greater betrayal for a Bishop or an Archbishop. In charity and heartbreak, I call you to repent. Until that time, you have broken our fellowship. To sit with you and meet with you would be a lie. We are not one. We do not share the same faith or Gospel. You should resign and let someone else lead; someone who shares the faith of the Communion-the faith of the church catholic.”

Read it here on the American Anglican Council website.

Thursday, 4 December 2003
Catholic-Anglican Dialogue Put on Hold after ECUSA consecration
Read the story here from Zenit.

Wednesday, 3 December 2003
Province of Southeast Asia Breaks Communion with ECUSA

“...the Province regrets that communion with the ECUSA as well as those who voted for the consecration and those who participated in the consecration service is now broken.”

Full text from the American Anglican Council.

Saturday, 29 November 2003
Archbishop Peter Jensen’s address at the Anglicare Christmas Dinner
“With the apparent cloud over the paternity of Jesus, it is likely that he would have been a victim in our society... Perhaps as refugees, the family of Jesus would have been denied entry into Australia.”

Read his full address here.

The talk has been picked up by the media - see reports here -

The Age “Archbishop slams refugee stance”

News 24 (South Africa) “Jesus would be denied asylum”

Wednesday, 26 November 2003
Sailing Off into Irrelevance
“Many Episcopal liberals (as well as the secular media) are portraying conservatives as schismatic for separating themselves from the denomination. The reality is that ECUSA has rejected the counsel of 37 other provinces (not to mention the teaching of nearly every other Christian denomination, and that of the church historic for almost 2,000 years).”

Monday, 24 November 2003
Jensen woos unhappy churchgoers

“Disgruntled Uniting Church conservatives have welcomed an offer of refuge from Anglican Archbishop Peter Jensen.”


Friday, 21 November 2003
“Anglican bishop considers locking out dissenters”

“A group of Anglican churches in British Columbia opposed to the blessing of same-sex unions has become so intransigent that reconciliation is almost impossible, their bishop, Michael Ingham, said yesterday.”

Read the report from the National Post (Canada).

Tuesday, 18 November 2003
Russian Orthodox Church suspends contacts with ECUSA over Robinson

“We will not be able to co-operate with those people either in the realm of theological dialogue or in the humanitarian, religious and public spheres. We cannot afford even to a certain degree share their position, which is, in our opinion, profoundly anti-Christian and sacrilegious...”

Full the full report from Novosti.

Friday, 14 November 2003
‘Is the Episcopal Church a Christian Church Anymore?’

Tuesday, 11 November 2003
‘Secret Document Reveals Primates Excommunication Plans’

Read this report from David Virtue.
(Search for the text "08".)

Sunday, 9 November 2003
More fallout from ECUSA consecration

“Name dropping: Episcopal school weighing a change”

Trinity Episcopal School of Ministry, a refuge for conservative seminary students, may change its name.
‘We would just drop the word Episcopal from our name,’ the Rev. Peter Moore, dean and president, told WORLD. Nothing is final, but such talk underscores the potential realignment in the Episcopal Church (ECUSA) following the consecration of gay Bishop Gene Robinson.”

Full story from WorldMag.

“ECUSA won’t heed Eames Commission, say Primates ”

“The consecration was also condemned in Egypt, where the Bishop, the Rt Revd Mouneer Anis, declared the participants to be ‘among the violaters of the teaching of the Holy Book, and therefore, they have become dissociated with Jesus’s Church’.”

Full story from the Church Times.

Sunday, 9 November 2003
Buckle withdraws offer to New West parishes
Bishop Buckle

“Bishop Terrence Buckle of the Yukon is withdrawing his offer of episcopal oversight to parishes in the diocese of New Westminster that do not agree with the blessing of same-sex unions.
‘It is apparent to me that the way ahead in this regard is to allow a new process and … it is necessary for me to now withdraw,’he wrote in a letter to the coalition of parishes called the Anglican Communion in New Westminster.”

Full story from Anglican Journal.

Saturday, 8 November 2003
‘Former Archbishop of Canterbury says U.S. gay bishop damage ‘incalculable’ ’

“In a letter to the Times of London newspaper, Carey said he shared the distress of conservative evangelicals following Sunday’s consecration of Gene Robinson as Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire.”

Full story from CBC Canada.

Wednesday, 5 November 2003
Archbishop Drexel Gomez of Bahamas says American bishops can attend church - but that’s all

“America does make the largest contribution to the world-wide Anglican Communion. That’s a matter of fact... As much as we need the money, the gospel must come first. We are prepared to suffer. Money cannot be the overriding factor in the proclamation of the gospel.”

Read the story from the Nassua Guardian.

Wednesday, 5 November 2003
Archbishop Peter Carnley “regrets the decision” to consecrate Robinson

Tuesday, 4 November 2003
Statement of Primates from the ‘Global South’
“It is with profound sadness and pain that we have arrived at this moment in the history of the Anglican Communion.
We are appalled that the authorities within the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) have ignored the heartfelt plea of the Communion not to proceed with the scheduled consecration of Canon Gene Robinson. They have ignored the clear and strong warning of its detrimental consequences for the unity of the Communion...”

Read the full statement from Archbishop of Nigeria Peter Akinola - for and behalf of the working committee for the Primates of the Global South.

Tuesday, 4 November 2003
Archbishop Peter Jensen on ABC’s lateline last night

Monday, 3 November 2003
Consecrated: but nothing prepared Gene Robinson for the protests

“The Reverend Gene Robinson knew there would be protests, he knew there would be people objecting to him making history. He knew those protestors would be vocal, they would not sit quietly by while he was consecrated as the Anglican church’s first openly gay Bishop.
But surely the 56-year-old divorced father could not have anticipated the words of Father Earle Fox, a retired priest from Pittsburgh, who intervened dramatically during yesterday evening’s consecration service in Durham, New Hampshire, after the head of the US Episcopalian Church asked if there were objections.”

Full story from The Independent.

Monday, 3 November 2003
Archbishop Peter Jensen on ABC TV tonight

We hear that Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen will be on ABC TV’s Lateline tonight at 10:30pm. Please pray for Peter as he speaks.

Monday, 3 November 2003
Forward in Faith North America - Statement

“November 2, 2003

From Forward in Faith North America

“The loving God revealed to us in Holy Scripture is adored and worshipped by the Christian Church in thanksgiving for His message and divine initiative for the world’s salvation, healing, and wholeness.  Today, He is mocked by people whose intent is the creation of a new religion.  A religion not based on divine revelation, but on the human desire to fashion God in their own image. 

A once honored and respected church that claimed to be both reformed and Catholic has today ritually formalized its identity as an eccentric religious sect.  This sect is based upon the spirit of the age and a willfulness to abandon and dismiss its foundational doctrine and moral teaching.  Therefore, those who affirm and celebrate the episcopal ministry of Gene Robinson have placed themselves outside the Christian religion.

This is a day of great sadness for those who are submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Catholic Truth, Apostolic Order and Evangelical Faith.  But it is equally a call to them to unite and move forward with the proclamation of the saving and transforming love of Jesus Christ.”

American Anglican Council condemns Robinson consecration

Read their full statement here.

“Today is a grievous day in the history of our Church. Heresy has been held up as Holy. Blasphemy has been redefined as blessing. The hope of the transforming love of Jesus Christ has been denied. Holy Scripture has been abandoned and sin celebrated over sanctification. The arrogance of the leaders of the Diocese of New Hampshire and the Episcopal Church is nothing less than stunning...”

Monday, 3 November 2003, 8:50am
Bishops Statement of Objection to the Consecration of Gene Robinson

As the consecration of Gene Robinson takes place in New Hampshire, this statement of Objection has been released -

“In keeping with our consecration pledge to guard the faith, we, the undersigned bishops are registering our objection to the consecration of a person whose ‘chosen lifestyle’ is incompatible with Scripture and the teaching of this church...”

Read their full statement here.

Sunday, 2 November 2003
‘Williams set to condemn gay bishop’

“The fragile unity of the Anglican Church looks set to be blown apart later today with the consecration of the first openly gay bishop. Conservative church leaders from around the world will call on the Archbishop of Canterbury to condemn the move and Rowan Williams is expected to issue a strongly worded statement attacking the consecration of Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire within the next 24 hours. ”

Full story from the Observer.

‘Primates break with Church over homosexuality’

“Twenty Anglican primates who oppose the ordination of homosexuals will announce today that they have split from their North American counterparts.”

Full story from the UK Telegraph.

Sunday, 2 November 2003
‘Critics Go to N.H. for Gay Bishop's Ceremony’

“The Rev. V. Gene Robinson is set to be consecrated Sunday as the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop in a ceremony here replete with historic significance, religious pageantry and a designated opportunity for protesters to speak out against him.”

Full story from the Washington Post.

Saturday, 1 November 2003
‘Liberals start legal backlash in USA’

“The opening legal salvo against American conservatives was fired this week in Pittsburgh when a group of liberal clergy, with the support of the National Church’s legal officers, filed suit against the Bishop of Pittsburgh.”

Report from the Church of England Newspaper.

Friday, 31 October 2003
Letter to Rowan Williams and the Primates of the Anglican Communion

“In the event that the Episcopal Church USA proceeds to “consecrate” Rev. Robinson’s election as Bishop, we ask that you declare publicly your refusal to recognize this act, and that you exercise appropriate fraternal discipline by declaring that the Episcopal Church USA has alienated itself from the worldwide Anglican Communion.”

Read this letter from The Association for Church Renewal

Friday, 31 October 2003
N.C. diocese feels fallout
Episcopal donors protest gay bishop

“Less than three months after the Episcopal Church USA approved its first openly-gay bishop, the North Carolina diocese is feeling the repercussions -- church pledges for next year are down $1.1 million from what the diocese sought.

Diocesan officials acknowledge that people are angry with the denomination's recent decisions and are choosing to protest with their pocketbooks.”

Full story from

Tuesday, 28 October 2003
BBC Radio interviews with Bp Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh and Bp Michael Ingham of New Westminster

Listen to this interesting interviews - Broadcast on the BBC on Sunday. Realaudio format at Runs for 6'37".

Tuesday, 28 October 2003
Seven Anglican Priests Face Charges

Overnight (Sydney time), the website of the Anglican Communion in New Westminster has reported that seven clergy of the ACiNW parishes have been officially charged.

“The charges, identical for all seven clergy, include disobedience to the bishop, contemptuous or disrespectful conduct towards the bishop, schism, conduct causing scandal, and ‘otherwise offenses against the lawful authority of the bishop’.”

This is what happens when godly men “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 1:3).

See the full article here.

Monday, 27 October 2003
“Reclaiming Christian Orthodoxy”
Address by Michael Ingham of New Westminster at the Halfway to Lambeth conference

The “Halfway to Lambeth Conference” held in Manchester on the weekend was designed to influence the way the homosexual agenda will be discussed at the next Lambeth Conference.

As the organisers say, “After the debacle of 1998 no one can doubt that the next Lambeth Conference in 2008 will have to address human sexuality again. The question is how will it do so?
Who will be shaping the debate over the next  five years? How will your voice be heard?”

In his address to the conference, Bishop Michael Ingham of New Westminster had this to say -

“a change in the understanding of human sexuality and especially homosexuality is culturally and theologically difficult for some. Just as we ourselves argue for a new respect for gay and lesbian Christians, so we must ourselves show respect for those of a traditional conscience in these questions.” (Really? - Ed.)

Read what he said here.

The list of consultants also makes interesting reading.

Monday, 27 October 2003
A time for Prayer

As the consecration of Gene Robinson draws closer (Sunday November 2), readers are encouraged to pray for Bible-believing Christians in ECUSA who feel betrayed by their denomination. The days immediately following will likely see resignations from ECUSA by theologically orthodox clergy, as well as other reorientations in the Anglican Communion.

Monday, 27 October 2003
“Church ‘to split in a week’ over gay bishop”

“Implacable statements from two of the Anglican church’s leading archbishops yesterday put the Church of England on a seven-day countdown to a permanent split.”

Read the full article from the Independent.

Wednesday, 22 October 2003
Two articles worth reading -

50 Theses on the Future of the Church of England
by David Holloway, and presented at NEAC4 in Blackpool

Archbishop Peter Akinola Responds to Episcopal Church USA Heresy” - a recent statement from the Primate of Nigeria.

Tuesday, 21 October 2003
Sydney Synod speaks on crisis in the Anglican Communion
Reaffirms authority of Scripture - dissociates itself from actions of New Westminster and New Hampshire - and calls for repentance

This evening, the last session of the 2003 Synod of the Diocese of Sydney addressed the current crisis in the Anglican Communion.

Archbishop Peter JensenArchbishop Peter Jensen gave a preliminary response to last week’s Primates’ Statement. In part, he said,

“November 2nd may or may not be a crucial moment for the Anglican Communion. It symbolises, however, the state of the Communion and it puts us under obligation to encourage, support and sustain those who wish to stand for the same principles as we do throughout the Christian community.”

Read his full comments here.

Two Resolutions -

Then, after debate, the Synod made a significant statement by passing this motion by a large majority. It reads -

“Developments in the Anglican Communion

Synod reaffirms its commitment to the authority of Scripture and recognises that the Anglican Communion has traditionally maintained its adherence to that authority and that of the 39 Articles of Religion.

It notes the departure from biblical authority in the actions of –

(a) the Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster by agreeing to bless same-sex unions, and

(b) the Diocese of New Hampshire, endorsed by the Convention of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America, in electing as bishop a person engaged in homosexual activity.

Synod therefore dissociates itself from these actions which are contrary to biblical teaching, and as an expression of Christian fellowship and love calls on those involved to repent, and to reverse their decisions.

Synod also commends our Archbishop for his public comments on these issues and for standing with other leaders of like mind in their desire to maintain the truths of Scripture.”

In a second motion, the Synod also sent Christian greetings to “biblically orthodox Clergy and Laity in the Diocese of New Westminster and in ECUSA” - and in particular to the Rev. David Short and the congregation of St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver - and others who stand with them.

Synod was given to understand that David - a graduate of Moore College - is one of the clergy being charged under the Diocese of New Westminster’s Canon on Discipline with “disobedient and disrespectful conduct” (See earlier report from the New Westminster website.)

The Synod also supported the proposal that “members of the Diocese of New Westminster who cannot in conscience accept the Episcopal leadership of Bishop Ingham should have access to alternative Episcopal ministry”.

In debate, it was noted that disciplinary action is being taken against Bishop Terry Buckle of The Yukon by the Diocese of New Westminster.

Read the full text of both motions at Anglican Media Sydney.

Sunday, 19 October 2003
“One-and-One-Half Cheers for the Anglican Primates’ Statement”

Jim Packer in interviewed by Christianity Today -

“I think that the issue of the authority of Scripture is fudged. They say that the dispute over the gay issue is only a matter of the interpreting of Scripture, not the authority of Scripture.”

(Read the full article here.) Worth reading!

Sunday, 19 October 2003

“The statement was signed by all 37 church leaders, but the Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, sounded a defiant note at a news conference just minutes later.

‘While anything can happen, including the Second Coming, I expect to be in New Hampshire on the second of November,’ he said. Nov. 2 is the scheduled date for the consecration of Mr. Robinson...

...the ink was barely dry on this document before the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the United States publicly and enthusiastically repudiated what he’d just signed.”

(Comment from the Midwest Conservative Journal.)

Saturday, 18 October 2003
Dispatch: Conservatives Just Got Clobbered

“But the accents in the primates’ statement sound rather too clearly American and British. If we do not soon hear the lyrical voices of African primates, some of us believe today’s Episcopal Church will be tomorrow’s Anglican Communion. That is not news of joy and glad tidings.”

(Read the full article by Douglas LeBlanc in Christianity Today.)

Saturday, 18 October 2003
Initial Response from the Church Society

“We are profoundly disappointed that the Primates as a body have not yet taken decisive action.  They have not rebuked false teaching.  In addition, it was in their power to call upon the Archbishop of Canterbury to exclude ECUSA from further gatherings of the Primates and indeed from the Communion. We had looked for a categorical statement from the Primates that ECUSA and New Westminster had separated itself from the Communion by their schismatic action.

However the Primates make plain that if the consecration of Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire goes ahead in November it will result in the break up of the Anglican Communion.”

(full text as released from the Church Society here.)

Friday, 17 October 2003
Statement from the “Southern Primates”

“It is with great gratitude to God and appreciation to the people of the Anglican Communion and other churches that we greet you in the name of Jesus Christ.
As we met this week at Lambeth we experienced the power of the Holy Spirit moving among us. We are so grateful to God for hearing the prayers and cries of his praying people to preserve both the truth and the unity of the Anglican Communion. we urge continued prayer that the whole Anglican Communion may continue by God's power to witness to the transforming love of Jesus for all people.

Most Rev Peter Akinola - Archbishop of Nigeria
Most Rev Yong Ping Chung - Archbishop of Southeast Asia
Most Rev Emmanuel Kolini - Archbishop of Rwanda.”

(found at Anglican Mainstream website.)

Friday, 17 October 2003
Anglican-Mainstream Reaction

“We welcome the clear declaration from the Primates’ Meeting re-affirming the resolutions of the 1988 Lambeth conference on issues of human sexuality, the centrality of Holy Scripture and expressing ‘deep regret’ at the actions of the Diocese of New Westminster and ECUSA.
We applaud the considerable generosity shown to those North American churches in giving them time and space to come back within the boundaries of the fellowship of the Anglican Communion.”

A conciliatory statement - read it in full here.

Friday, 17 October 2003
Forward in Faith UK Reaction

“Forward in Faith UK profoundly regrets the corporate failure to address those present dangers at this meeting and has no hope that such a Commission will adequately address them in the future. We note that various bodies in the United States threatened substantive action if no substantial result came from this conference. We await that action with interest.”

Read the full text here.

And then read a much more positive statement from Canon David H. Roseberry in Plano, Texas which, with the American Anglican Council hosted a major gathering of over 2,700 orthodox members of the Episcopal Church last week.

Friday, 17 October 2003
New Hampshire thinks Primates’ statement is wonderful

Friday, 17 October 2003
New Westminster Diocese moves against ACiNW clergy

Bishop Michael Ingham has appointed a Commission of Enquiry to investigate formal charges under the Canon on Discipline for “disobedient and disrespectful conduct” by several clergy within the diocese - possibly leading a trial in an Ecclesiastical Court.

Although the clergy have not been named, this appears to be directed at the members of the Anglican Communion in New Westminster. Anglican Media Sydney reports that David Short is thought to be among those targetted.

Read the report from the New Westminster website.

Friday, 17 October 2003
Primates’ meeting ends with a disappointing statement
Primates Press Conference

In a press conference at Lambeth Palace, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams released an agreed statement from the Primates
(Photo - ACNS: Left to right - Archbishop of West Indies Drexel Gomez, Presiding Bishop of ECUSA Frank Griswold, Dr Rowan Williams and Archbishop of Armagh, Robin Eames).

Many orthodox Anglicans will be disappointed (though perhaps not surprised) at the statement, which called on the Archbishop of Canterbury to set up another commission to investigate things within twelve months. The statement said a lot more about Anglican structures than it did about the Bible. In part, it says -

“As Primates, it is not for us to pass judgement on the constitutional processes of another province.”

And also -

“Whilst we acknowledge a legitimate diversity of interpretation that arises in the Church, this diversity does not mean that some of us take the authority of Scripture more lightly than others. Nevertheless, each province needs to be aware of the possible effects of its interpretation of Scripture on the life of other provinces in the Communion. We commit ourselves afresh to mutual respect whilst seeking from the Lord a correct discernment of how God's Word speaks to us in our contemporary world.”

Yet, more positively, there was a very strong warning on the consecration of Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire - set down for November 2.

“If his consecration proceeds, we recognise that we have reached a crucial and critical point in the life of the Anglican Communion and we have had to conclude that the future of the Communion itself will be put in jeopardy. In this case, the ministry of this one bishop will not be recognised by most of the Anglican world, and many provinces are likely to consider themselves to be out of Communion with the Episcopal Church (USA). This will tear the fabric of our Communion at its deepest level, and may lead to further division on this and further issues as provinces have to decide in consequence whether they can remain in communion with provinces that choose not to break communion with the Episcopal Church (USA).

Similar considerations apply to the situation pertaining in the Diocese of New Westminster.”
(Emphasis added.)

So, while not yet taking action, a very clear warning on the consequences of any further action (including the consecration of Gene Robinson) is now on the table.

“The Church of England and the other Anglican churches around the globe are sometimes unfairly caricatured as vague and unworldly.
This time, though, it really is hard to think they share the same planet as most of humanity.
Whichever side of the debate about homosexuality and the church you find yourself on, this meeting has actually solved nothing.
The threat of a split remains as potent as it ever was, and the crisis will come very soon.”

“Archbishop Drexel Gomez, primate of the Province of the West Indies and a sharp critic of Robinson's election, said the primates had ‘studied, reflected, prayed and worked together, and we have done so in almost brutal honesty.’ ”

Thursday, 16 October 2003
New Bishop warns of problem of evil

Bp Tom WrightRead this report on the enthronement of the Rt Rev Tom Wright, the new (evangelical) Bishop of Durham. Report in The Church of England Newspaper.



Tuesday, 14 October 2003
Prayers urged for Primates’ meeting

The long awaited meeting of Anglican Primates begins at Lambeth tomorrow. All our readers are urged to pray for those attending, and especially for Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, as he chairs the meeting.

Monday, 13 October 2003
Read Archbishop Peter Jensen’s Presidential Address to Sydney Synod

In a wide ranging address this afternoon Dr. Peter Jensen spoke about marriage, righteousness, and the church. He also spoke at length on the crisis in the Anglican Communion. A very helpful and insightful talk.

Read it on the Anglican Media website.

Note: We hope to have the text of the Synod Dinner talk by Dr. John Woodhouse (on “The Babylonian Unity of the Church”) online late tomorrow night.

And, if you would like some more great reading, see this talk given at the recent National Evangelical Anglican Congress 4 in Blackpool by Peter Jensen -

–“The Atonement – the heart of our message” (pdf)

See the NEAC site for the others talks delivered.

Sunday, 12 October 2003
“Williams reignites row over gay bishop”

“Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is set to reignite the ferocious row surrounding the appointment of an openly gay man as an Anglican bishop in the United States - by arguing that it defies the Church’s established position.”

Read this report from The Observer on this week’s meeting of Primates in London.

Friday, 10 October 2003

As the “A Place to Stand” conference ended in Dallas, this statement was issued - read these fighting words here.

Friday, 10 October 2003
Read the Church Times’ 12 page “gay summit primer”

Lots of useful background to the Primates’ meeting next week.

Read it here.

Friday, 10 October 2003
Greetings from the Pope read at Dallas conference

In an unprecedented step, bypassing normal protocols, Pope John Paul II has sent greetings to the “A Place to Stand” conference in Dallas.

The letter, from Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, must be seen as a strong rebuff to the liberal hierarchy of ECUSA. It also subtly reasserts Rome’s claim of primacy. You might not have expected to read such a letter on the ACL’s website - but here it is... (Emphasis added.)

From Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Prefect of the congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
The Vatican, on behalf of Pope John Paul II

I hasten to assure you of my heartfelt prayers for all those taking
part in this convocation. The significance of your meeting is sensed
far beyond Plano
, and even in this city from which Saint Augustine of Canterbury was sent to confirm and strengthen the preaching of Christ’s Gospel in England. Nor can I fail to recall that barely 120 years later, Saint Boniface brought that same Christian faith from England to my own forebears in Germany.

The lives of these saints show us how in the Church of Christ there is a unity in truth and a communion of grace which transcend the borders of any nation. With this in mind, I pray in particular that God’s will may be done by all those who seek that unity in the truth, the gift of Christ himself.

With fraternal regards, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,

+Joseph cardinal Ratzinger

Friday, 10 October 2003
Bishop Terry Buckle sends message to supporters

As he faces “disciplinary proceedings” for offering episcopal care to the Vancouver parishes which have rejected the leadership of Bishop Michael Ingham, the Bishop of the Yukon has sent this message to his supporters.

Thursday, 9 October 2003
“What Would Intervention Look Like?”

Read the presentation delivered by the Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan, the Bishop of Pittsburgh, for the American Anglican Council’s Plano (Dallas) Conference: “A Place to Stand: Declaring, Preparing” on Wedensday 8th October.

More than 2,500 people have been attending this important
“A Place to Stand” conference to respond to the actions of the Episcopal Church’s General Convention. Speakers from around the world have addressed the conference including, we understand, Archbishop Peter Jensen - by video link.

See also this Timeline on Homosexuality Debate in the Episcopal Church: 1976-2003 on the AAC website.

Tuesday, 7 October 2003
“Archbishop living in the past: Spong”

Read this article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald on John Spong’s current visit to Oz. Then read 2 Timothy 4:1-4.

Sunday, 5 October 2003
“Gay issue on Anglican front burner”

“The world’s Anglicans will be watching Dallas next week as angry conservative U.S. Episcopalians meet to hash over the national church’s approval of an openly gay bishop.”

Read this report in full from the Houston Chronicle.

Sunday, 5 October 2003
Dallas meeting - “A Place to Stand” - this week

TheA Place to Standconference in Dallas this week, sponsored by the American Anglican Council, is a response to the actions of the ECUSA General Convention. It has four main objectives -

“1. To declare our faith and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Anglican Communion.
2. To declare our support in calling on the Primates of the Anglican Communion to intervene in this pastoral emergency.
3. To prepare and strengthen ourselves and those whom we serve to become a missionary church dedicated to the Great Commission.
4. To prepare our congregations and ministries for possible realignment to insure an orthodox and vital Anglican/Episcopal presence in the United States.”

The conference runs October 7-9 and at least 2,500 orthodox Anglicans - including 40 bishops - are expected to attend.

Keep an eye on the American Anglican Council website for developments. Anglicans everywhere are being urged to pray for this meeting.

Friday, 3 October 2003
“Plot to silence the Primates’ gay debate”

“Anglican bureaucrats have launched an attempt to manipulate the agenda and format of the forthcoming emergency Primates’ Meeting this month, according to a leading American theologian.”

Read this disturbing report from the Church of England Newspaper.

Thursday, 2 October 2003
11th Vancouver Anglican church accepts alternative bishop

An eleventh Anglican church in the Greater Vancouver Diocese of New Westminster has voted to accept the leadership of Bishop Terry Buckle of the Diocese of Yukon. On September 21, the congregation of Church of the Holy Cross in Abbotsford, a community east of Vancouver, voted 97 per cent in favour of a motion accepting Buckle’s supervision and to join the Anglican Communion in New Westminster...”

Read the full story here - and learn of other fast breaking stories from Vancouver from the Anglican Communion in New Westminster.

Thursday, 2 October 2003
“Anglican church may have to expel Canadian, U.S. wings: Australian archbishop”

Read this report from (Vancouver Sun Newspaper)

Archbishop Peter JensenAccountability and Unity
- Archbishop Peter Jensen responds to the Archbishop of Canterbury in an article written for New Directions.

But the blessing of structural communion becomes a curse when it involves us in partnering those who endorse major doctrinal or moral deviance from the scriptural norms. As the parishes in New Westminster testify, there is a limit to communion.”

Extracts of this article were published in the Sydney Morning Herald and the Melbourne Age on Thursday October 2nd. This is the full text. (Link to Anglican Media Sydney.) Worth printing out and reading carefully.


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